class Mint::SemanticTokenizer
- Mint::SemanticTokenizer
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
semantic_tokenizer.crConstant Summary
{Ast::TypeVariable => TokenType::TypeParameter, Ast::Comment => TokenType::Comment, Ast::RegexpLiteral => TokenType::Regexp, Ast::NumberLiteral => TokenType::Number, Ast::Id => TokenType::Type}
This represents which token types are used for which node.
TOKEN_TYPES =!(&.camelcase(lower: true))
This is used by the language server.
Class Method Summary
.highlight(path : String, *, html : Bool = false) : String
Highlights the file.
.tokenize(ast : Ast) : Array(Item)
Returns the tokenized version of the AST.
.tokenize_with_lines(ast : Ast) : Array(Array(Item))
Returns the tokenized version of the AST where the lines contain their respective tokens.
Instance Method Summary
- #add(from : Parser::Location, to : Parser::Location, type : TokenType)
- #add(node : Ast::Node, type : TokenType)
#cache : Set(Mint::Ast::Node)
We keep a cache of all tokenized nodes to avoid duplications
- #tokenize(nodes : Array(Ast::Node))
- #tokenize(node : Ast::CssDefinition)
- #tokenize(node : Ast::HtmlComponent)
- #tokenize(node : Ast::HtmlElement)
- #tokenize(node : Ast::Variable)
- #tokenize(node : Ast::StringLiteral | Ast::HereDocument)
- #tokenize(node : Ast::Node | Nil)
- #tokenize(ast : Ast) : Nil
#tokens : Array(Mint::SemanticTokenizer::Token)
This is where the resulting tokens are stored.
Class Method Detail
Highlights the file.
Returns the tokenized version of the AST.
Returns the tokenized version of the AST where the lines contain their respective tokens.
Instance Method Detail
This is where the resulting tokens are stored.