class Mint::VDOMRenderer


This is a Virtual DOM renderer for markdown using Markd shard.

The AST for the markdown is a tree where each node refers to the parent node, next sibling and previous sibling.

We walk the nodes and create virtual dom nodes using the _h function. The tag_end(node) function closes a call with or without a comma , depending if the node has a next sibling.

Defined in:


Constant Summary

HEADINGS = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"] of ::String

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def block_quote(node, entering) #

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def code(node, entering) #

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def code_block(node, entering) #

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def document(node, entering) #

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def emphasis(node, entering) #

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def heading(node, entering) #

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def image(node, entering) #

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def io : String::Builder #

Io contains the end result.

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def item(node, entering) #

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def line_break(node, entering) #

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def link(node, entering) #

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def list(node, entering) #

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def paragraph(node, entering) #

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def render(document : Markd::Node) #

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def skip_next=(skip_next : Bool) #

Skip next is used to skip rendering of the next node.

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def skip_next? : Bool #

Skip next is used to skip rendering of the next node.

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def soft_break(node, entering) #

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def strong(node, entering) #

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def text(node, entering) #

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def thematic_break(node, entering) #

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