class Bamboozled::API::Employee

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Bamboozled::API::Base

api_key : String api_key, api_key=(api_key : String) api_key=, api_version : String api_version, api_version=(api_version : String) api_version=, subdomain : String subdomain, subdomain=(subdomain : String) subdomain=

Constructor methods inherited from class Bamboozled::API::Base

new(subdomain : String, api_key : String) new

Instance Method Detail

def add(employee_details) #

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def all(fields = [] of String) #

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def compensation(id) #

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def contacts(id) #

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def dependents(id) #

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def employment_status(id) #

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def find(employee_id, fields = ["firstName", "lastName"] of ::String) #

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def job_info(id) #

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def last_changed(time, type = nil) #

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def photo_binary(employee_id, size = "small") #

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def photo_url(email, tls = false) #

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def time_off_estimate(employee_id, end_date : Time) #

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def update(bamboo_id, employee_details) #

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