class Maze::Router::RouteSet(T)


A tree which stores and navigates routes associated with a web application.

A route set represents the branches of the tree, and each vertex is a Segment. Leaf nodes are TerminalSegments.

route_set = Maze::Router::RouteSet(Symbol).new
route_set.add "/get/", :root
route_set.add "/get/users/:id", :users
route_set.add "/get/users/:id/books", :users_books
route_set.add "/get/*/slug", :slug
route_set.add "/get/*", :catch_all

p route_set.formatted_s # => a textual representation of the routing tree

route_set.find("/get/users/3").payload           # => :users
route_set.find("/get/users/3/books").payload     # => :users_books
route_set.find("/get/coffee_maker/slug").payload # => :slug
route_set.find("/get/made/up/url").payload       # => :catch_all

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Bool = true) #

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Instance Method Detail

def add(path, payload : T) : Nil #

Add a route to the tree.

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def find(path : String) : RoutedResult(T) #

Find a route which is compatible with a path.

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def formatted_s(*, ts = 0) #

Produces a readable, indented rendering of the tree

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def routes? : Bool #

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