module LuckyLegacyRouting

Direct including types

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.1.2"

Macro Summary

Macro Detail

macro nested_route #

Define a nested route that responds to the appropriate HTTP request automatically

This works similarly to route but it will provide multiple parameters. For example:

class Posts::Comments::Show
  nested_route do
    plain_text "Post: #{post_id}, Comment: #{comment_id}"

This action responds to the /posts/:post_id/comments/:comment_id path.

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macro route #

Define a route that responds to the appropriate HTTP request automatically

class Posts::Show
  route do
    plain_text "Post: #{post_id}"

This action responds to the /posts/:post_id path.

Each route needs a few pieces of information to be created:

  • The HTTP method, like GET, POST, DELETE, etc.
  • The path, such as /users/:user_id
  • The class to route to, like Users::Show

The route method will try to determine these pieces of information based the class name. After it knows the class, Lucky will transform the full class name to figure out the path, i.e. removing the :: separators and adding underscores. The method is found via the last part of the class name:

  • Index -> GET
  • Show -> GET
  • New -> GET
  • Create -> POST
  • Edit -> GET
  • Update -> PUT
  • Delete -> DELETE

If you are using a non-restful action name you should use the get, put, post, or delete methods. Otherwise you will see an error like this:

Could not infer route for User::ImageUploads

See also our guides for more information and examples:

setup_call_method is supplied by Lucky::Routable

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