module Lucky::BaseTags
Included Modules
- Lucky::CheckTagContent
Direct including types
Defined in:
lucky/tags/base_tags.crConstant Summary
{} of String => String
[:img, :br, :hr, :input, :meta, :source] of ::Symbol
{para: "p", select_tag: "select"}
[:a, :abbr, :address, :area, :article, :aside, :b, :bdi, :bdo, :blockquote, :body, :button, :caption, :cite, :code, :col, :colgroup, :data, :datalist, :del, :details, :dfn, :dialog, :div, :dd, :dl, :dt, :em, :embed, :fieldset, :figcaption, :figure, :footer, :form, :h1, :h2, :h3, :h4, :h5, :h6, :head, :header, :html, :i, :iframe, :ins, :kbd, :label, :legend, :li, :main, :map, :mark, :menuitem, :meter, :nav, :noscript, :object, :ol, :optgroup, :option, :output, :param, :picture, :pre, :progress, :q, :rp, :rt, :ruby, :s, :samp, :script, :section, :slot, :small, :span, :strong, :sub, :summary, :sup, :table, :tbody, :td, :template, :textarea, :tfoot, :th, :thead, :time, :title, :tr, :track, :u, :ul, :video, :wbr] of ::Symbol
Instance Method Summary
- #a(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#a(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #a(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #a(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #a(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #a(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #a(&) : Nil
- #a(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #abbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#abbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #abbr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #abbr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #abbr(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #abbr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #abbr(&) : Nil
- #abbr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #address(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#address(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #address(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #address(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #address(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #address(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #address(&) : Nil
- #address(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #area(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#area(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #area(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #area(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #area(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #area(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #area(&) : Nil
- #area(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #article(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#article(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #article(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #article(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #article(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #article(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #article(&) : Nil
- #article(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #aside(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#aside(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #aside(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #aside(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #aside(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #aside(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #aside(&) : Nil
- #aside(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #b(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#b(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #b(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #b(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #b(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #b(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #b(&) : Nil
- #b(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #bdi(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#bdi(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #bdi(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #bdi(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #bdi(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #bdi(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #bdi(&) : Nil
- #bdi(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #bdo(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#bdo(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #bdo(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #bdo(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #bdo(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #bdo(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #bdo(&) : Nil
- #bdo(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #blockquote(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#blockquote(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #blockquote(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #blockquote(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #blockquote(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #blockquote(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #blockquote(&) : Nil
- #blockquote(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #body(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#body(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #body(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #body(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #body(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #body(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #body(&) : Nil
- #body(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
#br(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. -
#br : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #br(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
- #button(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#button(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #button(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #button(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #button(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #button(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #button(&) : Nil
- #button(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #caption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#caption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #caption(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #caption(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #caption(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #caption(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #caption(&) : Nil
- #caption(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #cite(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#cite(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #cite(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #cite(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #cite(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #cite(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #cite(&) : Nil
- #cite(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #code(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#code(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #code(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #code(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #code(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #code(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #code(&) : Nil
- #code(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #col(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#col(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #col(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #col(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #col(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #col(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #col(&) : Nil
- #col(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #colgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#colgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #colgroup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #colgroup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #colgroup(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #colgroup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #colgroup(&) : Nil
- #colgroup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #data(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#data(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #data(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #data(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #data(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #data(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #data(&) : Nil
- #data(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #datalist(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#datalist(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #datalist(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #datalist(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #datalist(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #datalist(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #datalist(&) : Nil
- #datalist(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#dd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #dd(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dd(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dd(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #dd(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dd(&) : Nil
- #dd(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #del(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#del(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #del(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #del(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #del(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #del(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #del(&) : Nil
- #del(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #details(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#details(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #details(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #details(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #details(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #details(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #details(&) : Nil
- #details(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dfn(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#dfn(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #dfn(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dfn(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dfn(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #dfn(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dfn(&) : Nil
- #dfn(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dialog(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#dialog(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #dialog(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dialog(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dialog(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #dialog(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dialog(&) : Nil
- #dialog(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #div(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#div(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #div(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #div(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #div(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #div(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #div(&) : Nil
- #div(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dl(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#dl(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #dl(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dl(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dl(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #dl(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dl(&) : Nil
- #dl(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#dt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #dt(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dt(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #dt(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #dt(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #dt(&) : Nil
- #dt(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #em(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#em(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #em(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #em(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #em(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #em(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #em(&) : Nil
- #em(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #embed(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#embed(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #embed(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #embed(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #embed(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #embed(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #embed(&) : Nil
- #embed(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #fieldset(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#fieldset(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #fieldset(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #fieldset(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #fieldset(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #fieldset(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #fieldset(&) : Nil
- #fieldset(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #figcaption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#figcaption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #figcaption(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #figcaption(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #figcaption(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #figcaption(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #figcaption(&) : Nil
- #figcaption(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #figure(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#figure(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #figure(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #figure(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #figure(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #figure(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #figure(&) : Nil
- #figure(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #footer(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#footer(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #footer(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #footer(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #footer(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #footer(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #footer(&) : Nil
- #footer(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #form(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#form(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #form(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #form(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #form(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #form(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #form(&) : Nil
- #form(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h1(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#h1(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #h1(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h1(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h1(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #h1(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h1(&) : Nil
- #h1(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h2(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#h2(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #h2(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h2(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h2(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #h2(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h2(&) : Nil
- #h2(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h3(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#h3(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #h3(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h3(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h3(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #h3(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h3(&) : Nil
- #h3(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h4(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#h4(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #h4(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h4(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h4(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #h4(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h4(&) : Nil
- #h4(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h5(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#h5(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #h5(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h5(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h5(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #h5(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h5(&) : Nil
- #h5(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h6(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#h6(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #h6(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h6(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #h6(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #h6(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #h6(&) : Nil
- #h6(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #head(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#head(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #head(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #head(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #head(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #head(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #head(&) : Nil
- #head(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #header(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#header(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #header(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #header(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #header(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #header(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #header(&) : Nil
- #header(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
#hr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. -
#hr : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #hr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
- #html(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#html(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #html(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #html(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #html(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #html(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #html(&) : Nil
- #html(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #i(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#i(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #i(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #i(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #i(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #i(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #i(&) : Nil
- #i(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #iframe(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#iframe(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #iframe(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #iframe(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #iframe(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #iframe(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #iframe(&) : Nil
- #iframe(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
#img(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. -
#img : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #img(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
#input(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. -
#input : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #input(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
- #ins(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#ins(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #ins(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ins(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ins(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #ins(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #ins(&) : Nil
- #ins(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #kbd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#kbd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #kbd(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #kbd(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #kbd(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #kbd(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #kbd(&) : Nil
- #kbd(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #label(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#label(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #label(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #label(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #label(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #label(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #label(&) : Nil
- #label(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #legend(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#legend(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #legend(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #legend(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #legend(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #legend(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #legend(&) : Nil
- #legend(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #li(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#li(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #li(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #li(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #li(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #li(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #li(&) : Nil
- #li(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #main(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#main(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #main(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #main(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #main(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #main(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #main(&) : Nil
- #main(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #map(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#map(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #map(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #map(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #map(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #map(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #map(&) : Nil
- #map(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #mark(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#mark(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #mark(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #mark(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #mark(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #mark(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #mark(&) : Nil
- #mark(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #menuitem(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#menuitem(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #menuitem(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #menuitem(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #menuitem(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #menuitem(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #menuitem(&) : Nil
- #menuitem(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
#meta(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. -
#meta : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #meta(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
- #meter(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#meter(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #meter(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #meter(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #meter(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #meter(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #meter(&) : Nil
- #meter(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #nav(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#nav(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #nav(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #nav(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #nav(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #nav(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #nav(&) : Nil
- #nav(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #noscript(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#noscript(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #noscript(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #noscript(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #noscript(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #noscript(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #noscript(&) : Nil
- #noscript(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #object(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#object(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #object(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #object(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #object(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #object(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #object(&) : Nil
- #object(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #ol(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#ol(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #ol(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ol(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ol(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #ol(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #ol(&) : Nil
- #ol(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #optgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#optgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #optgroup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #optgroup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #optgroup(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #optgroup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #optgroup(&) : Nil
- #optgroup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #option(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#option(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #option(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #option(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #option(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #option(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #option(&) : Nil
- #option(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #output(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#output(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #output(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #output(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #output(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #output(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #output(&) : Nil
- #output(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #para(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#para(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #para(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #para(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #para(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #para(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #para(&) : Nil
- #para(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #param(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#param(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #param(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #param(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #param(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #param(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #param(&) : Nil
- #param(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #picture(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#picture(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #picture(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #picture(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #picture(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #picture(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #picture(&) : Nil
- #picture(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #pre(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#pre(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #pre(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #pre(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #pre(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #pre(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #pre(&) : Nil
- #pre(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #progress(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#progress(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #progress(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #progress(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #progress(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #progress(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #progress(&) : Nil
- #progress(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #q(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#q(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #q(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #q(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #q(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #q(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #q(&) : Nil
- #q(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #rp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#rp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #rp(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #rp(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #rp(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #rp(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #rp(&) : Nil
- #rp(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #rt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#rt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #rt(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #rt(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #rt(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #rt(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #rt(&) : Nil
- #rt(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #ruby(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#ruby(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #ruby(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ruby(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ruby(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #ruby(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #ruby(&) : Nil
- #ruby(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #s(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#s(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #s(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #s(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #s(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #s(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #s(&) : Nil
- #s(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #samp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#samp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #samp(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #samp(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #samp(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #samp(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #samp(&) : Nil
- #samp(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #script(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#script(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #script(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #script(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #script(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #script(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #script(&) : Nil
- #script(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #section(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#section(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #section(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #section(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #section(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #section(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #section(&) : Nil
- #section(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #select_tag(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#select_tag(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #select_tag(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #select_tag(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #select_tag(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #select_tag(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #select_tag(&) : Nil
- #select_tag(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #slot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#slot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #slot(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #slot(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #slot(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #slot(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #slot(&) : Nil
- #slot(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #small(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#small(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #small(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #small(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #small(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #small(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #small(&) : Nil
- #small(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
#source(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. -
#source : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #source(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
- #span(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#span(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #span(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #span(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #span(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #span(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #span(&) : Nil
- #span(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #strong(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#strong(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #strong(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #strong(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #strong(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #strong(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #strong(&) : Nil
- #strong(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
#style(styles : String) : Nil
Generates a
block for adding inline CSS - #sub(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#sub(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #sub(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #sub(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #sub(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #sub(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #sub(&) : Nil
- #sub(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #summary(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#summary(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #summary(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #summary(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #summary(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #summary(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #summary(&) : Nil
- #summary(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #sup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#sup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #sup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #sup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #sup(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #sup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #sup(&) : Nil
- #sup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #table(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#table(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #table(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #table(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #table(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #table(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #table(&) : Nil
- #table(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #tbody(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#tbody(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #tbody(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #tbody(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #tbody(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #tbody(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #tbody(&) : Nil
- #tbody(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #td(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#td(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #td(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #td(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #td(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #td(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #td(&) : Nil
- #td(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #template(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#template(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #template(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #template(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #template(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #template(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #template(&) : Nil
- #template(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
#text(content : String | Lucky::AllowedInTags) : Nil
Outputs content and escapes it.
- #textarea(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#textarea(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #textarea(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #textarea(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #textarea(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #textarea(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #textarea(&) : Nil
- #textarea(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #tfoot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#tfoot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #tfoot(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #tfoot(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #tfoot(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #tfoot(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #tfoot(&) : Nil
- #tfoot(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #th(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#th(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #th(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #th(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #th(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #th(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #th(&) : Nil
- #th(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #thead(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#thead(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #thead(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #thead(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #thead(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #thead(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #thead(&) : Nil
- #thead(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #time(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#time(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #time(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #time(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #time(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #time(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #time(&) : Nil
- #time(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #title(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#title(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #title(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #title(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #title(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #title(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #title(&) : Nil
- #title(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #tr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#tr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #tr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #tr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #tr(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #tr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #tr(&) : Nil
- #tr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #track(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#track(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #track(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #track(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #track(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #track(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #track(&) : Nil
- #track(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #u(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#u(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #u(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #u(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #u(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #u(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #u(&) : Nil
- #u(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #ul(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#ul(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #ul(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ul(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #ul(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #ul(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #ul(&) : Nil
- #ul(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #video(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#video(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #video(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #video(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #video(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #video(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #video(&) : Nil
- #video(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #wbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
#wbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
Generates a
tag. - #wbr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #wbr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
- #wbr(options, **other_options) : Nil
- #wbr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
- #wbr(&) : Nil
- #wbr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
Macro Summary
Instance Method Detail
Generates a <a></a>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
a("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <a class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</a>
Generates a <abbr></abbr>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
abbr("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <abbr class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</abbr>
Generates a <address></address>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
address("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <address class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</address>
Generates a <area></area>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
area("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <area class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</area>
Generates a <article></article>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
article("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <article class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</article>
Generates a <aside></aside>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
aside("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <aside class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</aside>
Generates a <b></b>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
b("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <b class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</b>
Generates a <bdi></bdi>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
bdi("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <bdi class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</bdi>
Generates a <bdo></bdo>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
bdo("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <bdo class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</bdo>
Generates a <blockquote></blockquote>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
blockquote("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <blockquote class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</blockquote>
Generates a <body></body>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
body("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <body class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</body>
Generates a <br>
- The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc... - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc...
br([:required], {"class" => "cls-1"}) #=> <br class="cls-1" required>
Generates a <button></button>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
button("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <button class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</button>
Generates a <caption></caption>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
caption("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <caption class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</caption>
Generates a <cite></cite>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
cite("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <cite class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</cite>
Generates a <code></code>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
code("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <code class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</code>
Generates a <col></col>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
col("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <col class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</col>
Generates a <colgroup></colgroup>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
colgroup("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <colgroup class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</colgroup>
Generates a <data></data>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
data("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <data class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</data>
Generates a <datalist></datalist>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
datalist("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <datalist class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</datalist>
Generates a <dd></dd>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
dd("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <dd class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</dd>
Generates a <del></del>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
del("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <del class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</del>
Generates a <details></details>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
details("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <details class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</details>
Generates a <dfn></dfn>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
dfn("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <dfn class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</dfn>
Generates a <dialog></dialog>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
dialog("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <dialog class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</dialog>
Generates a <div></div>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
div("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <div class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</div>
Generates a <dl></dl>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
dl("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <dl class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</dl>
Generates a <dt></dt>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
dt("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <dt class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</dt>
Generates a <em></em>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
em("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <em class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</em>
Generates a <embed></embed>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
embed("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <embed class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</embed>
Generates a <fieldset></fieldset>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
fieldset("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <fieldset class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</fieldset>
Generates a <figcaption></figcaption>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
figcaption("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <figcaption class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</figcaption>
Generates a <figure></figure>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
figure("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <figure class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</figure>
Generates a <form></form>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
form("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <form class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</form>
Generates a <h1></h1>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
h1("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <h1 class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</h1>
Generates a <h2></h2>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
h2("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <h2 class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</h2>
Generates a <h3></h3>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
h3("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <h3 class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</h3>
Generates a <h4></h4>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
h4("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <h4 class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</h4>
Generates a <h5></h5>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
h5("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <h5 class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</h5>
Generates a <h6></h6>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
h6("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <h6 class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</h6>
Generates a <head></head>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
head("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <head class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</head>
Generates a <header></header>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
header("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <header class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</header>
Generates a <hr>
- The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc... - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc...
hr([:required], {"class" => "cls-1"}) #=> <hr class="cls-1" required>
Generates a <html></html>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
html("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <html class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</html>
Generates a <i></i>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
i("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <i class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</i>
Generates a <iframe></iframe>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
iframe("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <iframe class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</iframe>
Generates a <img>
- The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc... - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc...
img([:required], {"class" => "cls-1"}) #=> <img class="cls-1" required>
Generates a <input>
- The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc... - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc...
input([:required], {"class" => "cls-1"}) #=> <input class="cls-1" required>
Generates a <ins></ins>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
ins("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <ins class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</ins>
Generates a <kbd></kbd>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
kbd("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <kbd class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</kbd>
Generates a <label></label>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
label("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <label class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</label>
Generates a <legend></legend>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
legend("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <legend class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</legend>
Generates a <li></li>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
li("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <li class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</li>
Generates a <main></main>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
main("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <main class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</main>
Generates a <map></map>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
map("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <map class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</map>
Generates a <mark></mark>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
mark("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <mark class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</mark>
Generates a <meta>
- The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc... - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc...
meta([:required], {"class" => "cls-1"}) #=> <meta class="cls-1" required>
Generates a <meter></meter>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
meter("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <meter class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</meter>
Generates a <noscript></noscript>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
noscript("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <noscript class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</noscript>
Generates a <object></object>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
object("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <object class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</object>
Generates a <ol></ol>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
ol("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <ol class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</ol>
Generates a <optgroup></optgroup>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
optgroup("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <optgroup class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</optgroup>
Generates a <option></option>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
option("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <option class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</option>
Generates a <output></output>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
output("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <output class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</output>
Generates a <para></para>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
para("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <para class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</para>
Generates a <param></param>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
param("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <param class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</param>
Generates a <picture></picture>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
picture("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <picture class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</picture>
Generates a <pre></pre>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
pre("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <pre class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</pre>
Generates a <progress></progress>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
progress("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <progress class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</progress>
Generates a <q></q>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
q("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <q class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</q>
Generates a <rp></rp>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
rp("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <rp class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</rp>
Generates a <rt></rt>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
rt("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <rt class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</rt>
Generates a <ruby></ruby>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
ruby("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <ruby class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</ruby>
Generates a <s></s>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
s("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <s class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</s>
Generates a <samp></samp>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
samp("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <samp class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</samp>
Generates a <script></script>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
script("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <script class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</script>
Generates a <section></section>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
section("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <section class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</section>
Generates a <select_tag></select_tag>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
select_tag("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <select_tag class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</select_tag>
Generates a <slot></slot>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
slot("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <slot class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</slot>
Generates a <small></small>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
small("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <small class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</small>
Generates a <source>
- The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc... - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc...
source([:required], {"class" => "cls-1"}) #=> <source class="cls-1" required>
Generates a <span></span>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
span("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <span class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</span>
Generates a <strong></strong>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
strong("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <strong class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</strong>
Generates a <style></style>
block for adding inline CSS
style("a { color: red; }") # => <style>a { color: red; }</style>
Generates a <sub></sub>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
sub("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <sub class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</sub>
Generates a <summary></summary>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
summary("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <summary class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</summary>
Generates a <sup></sup>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
sup("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <sup class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</sup>
Generates a <table></table>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
table("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <table class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</table>
Generates a <tbody></tbody>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
tbody("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <tbody class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</tbody>
Generates a <td></td>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
td("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <td class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</td>
Generates a <template></template>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
template("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <template class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</template>
Outputs content and escapes it.
text("Hello") # => Hello
text("<div>") # => <div>
Generates a <textarea></textarea>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
textarea("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <textarea class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</textarea>
Generates a <tfoot></tfoot>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
tfoot("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <tfoot class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</tfoot>
Generates a <th></th>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
th("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <th class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</th>
Generates a <thead></thead>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
thead("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <thead class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</thead>
Generates a <time></time>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
time("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <time class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</time>
Generates a <title></title>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
title("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <title class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</title>
Generates a <tr></tr>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
tr("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <tr class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</tr>
Generates a <track></track>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
track("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <track class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</track>
Generates a <u></u>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
u("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <u class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</u>
Generates a <ul></ul>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
ul("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <ul class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</ul>
Generates a <video></video>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
video("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <video class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</video>
Generates a <wbr></wbr>
- The content argument is either a
, or any type that has includedLucky::AllowedInTags
. This is the content that goes inside of the tag. - The options argument is a
Hash(String, String)
of any HTML attribute that has a key/value likeclass
, etc... - The attrs argument is an
for specifying Boolean Attributes such asrequired
, etc...
wbr("Sample", {"class" => "cls-1 red"}, [:required]) #=> <wbr class="cls-1 red" required>Sample</wbr>