module Marten::HTTP::Params::Core

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def [](name : String | Symbol) #

Returns the last value associated with the passed parameter name.

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def []=(*args, **options) #

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def []?(name : String | Symbol) #

Returns the last value associated with the passed parameter name or nil if the parameter is not present.

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def each(*args, **options) #

Allows to iterate over all the parameters.

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def each(*args, **options, &) #

Allows to iterate over all the parameters.

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def empty?(*args, **options) #

Returns true if no parameters are present.

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def empty?(*args, **options, &) #

Returns true if no parameters are present.

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def fetch(name : String | Symbol, default = nil) #

Returns the last value for the specified parameter name or fallback to the provided default value (which is nil by default).

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def fetch(name : String | Symbol, &) #

Returns the last value for the specified parameter name or calls the block with the name when not found.

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def fetch_all(name : String | Symbol, default = nil) #

Returns all the values for a specified parameter name.

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def has_key?(name : String | Symbol) #

Returns true if the parameter with the provided name exists.

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def size #

Returns the number of parameters.

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def to_s(*args, **options) #

Returns the hash represention of the parameters.

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def to_s(*args, **options, &) #

Returns the hash represention of the parameters.

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