class RayTracer::Matrix

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

IDENTITY_4 = identity(4)


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module RayTracer::Tuple

add(a1 : TUPLE, a2 : TUPLE) add, cross(a1 : TUPLE, a2 : TUPLE) cross, divide(a : TUPLE, s : Float64) divide, dot(a1 : TUPLE, a2 : TUPLE) dot, magnitude(a : TUPLE) magnitude, multiply(a : TUPLE, s : Float64) multiply, negate(a : TUPLE) negate, normalize(a : TUPLE) normalize, point(x : Float64, y : Float64, z : Float64) point, point?(tuple : TUPLE) point?, reflect(v : TUPLE, n : TUPLE) reflect, subtract(a1 : TUPLE, a2 : TUPLE) subtract, tuple(x : Float64, y : Float64, z : Float64, w : Float64)
tuple(vals : Array(Float64))
, vector(x : Float64, y : Float64, z : Float64) vector, vector?(tuple : TUPLE) vector?

Constructor Detail

def : Array(Array(Float64) | Array(Int32))) #

[View source]
def : Tuple::TUPLE, column = true) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.identity(size) #

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def self.rotation_x(r) #

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def self.rotation_y(r) #

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def self.rotation_z(r) #

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def self.scaling(x, y, z) #

[View source]
def self.shearing(x_y, x_z, y_x, y_z, z_x, z_y) #

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def self.translation(x, y, z) #

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def self.view_transform(from : TUPLE, to : TUPLE, up : TUPLE) #

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Instance Method Detail

def *(other : Matrix) #

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def *(tuple : Tuple::TUPLE) #

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def ==(other) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns false (other can only be a Value here).

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def [](row, col) #

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def cofactor(row, col) #

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def col(num) #

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def cols #

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def det #

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def determinant #

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def inverse #

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def invertable? #

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def minor(row, col) #

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def rotation_x(r) #

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def rotation_y(r) #

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def rotation_z(r) #

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def row(num) #

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def rows #

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def scaling(x, y, z) #

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def shearing(x_y, x_z, y_x, y_z, z_x, z_y) #

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def size #

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def submatrix(row, col) #

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def to_s(io : IO) #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a short String representation of this object which includes its class name and its object address.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)
end"John", 32).to_s # => #<Person:0x10a199f20>

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def translation(x, y, z) #

Fluent transforms

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def transpose #

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