class Redis


The class is the main entry point for the Redis client.

How to use:

Require the package:

require "redis"

Then instantiate this client class:

redis =

Then you can call Redis commands on the redis object:

redis.set("foo", "bar")

See the mixin module Commands for most of the available Redis commands such as #incr, #rename, and so on.

Multithreading / Coroutines

Please mind that a Redis object can't be shared across multiple threads/coroutines! Each thread/coroutine that wants to talk to Redis needs its own Redis object instance.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::CommandExecution::ValueOriented

array_or_nil_command(request : Request) : Array(RedisValue) | Nil array_or_nil_command, integer_array_command(request : Request) : Array(RedisValue) integer_array_command, integer_command(request : Request) : Int64 integer_command, integer_or_nil_command(request : Request) : Int64 | Nil integer_or_nil_command, string_array_command(request : Request) : Array(RedisValue) string_array_command, string_array_or_integer_command(request : Request) : Array(RedisValue) | Int64 string_array_or_integer_command, string_array_or_string_command(request : Request) : Array(RedisValue) | String string_array_or_string_command, string_array_or_string_or_nil_command(request : Request) : Array(RedisValue) | String | Nil string_array_or_string_or_nil_command, string_command(request : Request) : String string_command, string_or_nil_command(request : Request) : String | Nil string_or_nil_command, void_command(request : Request) : Nil void_command

Instance methods inherited from module Redis::Commands

append(key, value) append, auth(password) auth, bitcount(key, from = nil, to = nil) bitcount, bitop(operation, key, *keys) bitop, bitpos(key, bit, start = nil, to = nil) bitpos, blpop(keys, timeout_in_seconds) blpop, brpop(keys, timeout_in_seconds) brpop, brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout_in_seconds = nil) brpoplpush, decr(key) decr, decrby(key, decrement) decrby, del(*keys) del, dump(key) dump, echo(message) echo, eval(script : String, keys = [] of RedisValue, args = [] of RedisValue) eval, evalsha(sha1, keys = [] of RedisValue, args = [] of RedisValue) evalsha, exists(key) exists, expire(key, seconds) expire, expireat(key, unix_date) expireat, flushall flushall, flushdb flushdb, get(key) get, getbit(key, index) getbit, getrange(key, start_index, end_index) getrange, getset(key, value) getset, hdel(key, field) hdel, hexists(key, field) hexists, hget(key, field) hget, hgetall(key) hgetall, hincrby(key, field, increment) hincrby, hincrbyfloat(key, field, increment) hincrbyfloat, hkeys(key) hkeys, hlen(key) hlen, hmget(key, *fields) hmget, hmset(key, hash) hmset, hscan(key, cursor, match = nil, count = nil) hscan, hset(key, field, value) hset, hsetnx(key, field, value) hsetnx, hvals(key) hvals, incr(key) incr, incrby(key, increment) incrby, incrbyfloat(key, increment) incrbyfloat, info(section : String | Nil = nil) info, keys(pattern) keys, lindex(key, index) lindex, linsert(key, where, pivot, value) linsert, llen(key) llen, lpop(key) lpop, lpush(key, values : Array(RedisValue))
lpush(key, *values)
, lpushx(key, value) lpushx, lrange(key, from, to) lrange, lrem(key, count, value) lrem, lset(key, index, value) lset, ltrim(key, start, stop) ltrim, mget(keys : Array)
, mset(hash : Hash) mset, msetnx(hash) msetnx, object_encoding(key) object_encoding, object_idletime(key) object_idletime, object_refcount(key) object_refcount, persist(key) persist, pexpire(key, milis) pexpire, pexpireat(key, unix_date_in_millis) pexpireat, pfadd(key, *values) pfadd, pfcount(*keys) pfcount, pfmerge(*keys) pfmerge, ping ping, psetex(key, expire_in_milis, value) psetex, psubscribe(*channel_patterns, &callback_setup_block : Subscription -> )
, pttl(key) pttl, publish(channel, message) publish, punsubscribe(*channel_patterns) punsubscribe, quit quit, randomkey randomkey, rename(old_key, new_key) rename, renamenx(old_key, new_key) renamenx, restore(key, ttl_in_milis : Int, serialized_value : String, replace = false) restore, rpop(key) rpop, rpoplpush(source, destination) rpoplpush, rpush(key, *values) rpush, rpushx(key, value) rpushx, sadd(key, values : Array(RedisValue))
sadd(key, *values)
, scan(cursor, match = nil, count = nil) scan, scard(key) scard, script_exists(sha1_array : Array(Reference)) script_exists, script_flush script_flush, script_kill script_kill, script_load(script : String) script_load, sdiff(*keys) sdiff, sdiffstore(destination, *keys) sdiffstore, select(database_number) select, set(key, value, ex = nil, px = nil, nx = nil, xx = nil) set, setbit(key, index, value) setbit, setex(key, expire_in_seconds, value) setex, setnx(key, value) setnx, setrange(key, start_index, value) setrange, sinter(*keys) sinter, sinterstore(destination_key, *keys) sinterstore, sismember(key, value) sismember, smembers(key) smembers, smove(source, destination, member) smove, sort(key, by = nil, limit = nil, get : Array(RedisValue) | Nil = nil, order = "ASC", alpha = false, store = nil) sort, spop(key, count = nil) spop, srandmember(key, count = nil) srandmember, srem(key, values : Array(RedisValue))
srem(key, *values)
, sscan(key, cursor, match = nil, count = nil) sscan, strlen(key) strlen, subscribe(*channels, &callback_setup_block : Subscription -> )
, sunion(*keys) sunion, sunionstore(destination, *keys) sunionstore, ttl(key) ttl, type(key) type, unsubscribe(*channels) unsubscribe, unwatch unwatch, watch(*keys) watch, zadd(key, scores_and_members : Array(RedisValue))
zadd(key, *scores_and_members)
, zcard(key) zcard, zcount(key, min, max) zcount, zincrby(key, increment, member) zincrby, zinterstore(destination, keys : Array, weights = nil, aggregate = nil) zinterstore, zlexcount(key, min, max) zlexcount, zrange(key, start, stop, with_scores = false) zrange, zrangebylex(key, min, max, limit = nil) zrangebylex, zrangebyscore(key, min, max, limit = nil, with_scores = false) zrangebyscore, zrank(key, member) zrank, zrem(key, member) zrem, zremrangebylex(key, min, max) zremrangebylex, zremrangebyrank(key, start, stop) zremrangebyrank, zremrangebyscore(key, start, stop) zremrangebyscore, zrevrange(key, start, stop, with_scores = false) zrevrange, zrevrangebylex(key, min, max, limit = nil) zrevrangebylex, zrevrangebyscore(key, min, max, limit = nil, with_scores = false) zrevrangebyscore, zrevrank(key, member) zrevrank, zscan(key, cursor, match = nil, count = nil) zscan, zscore(key, member) zscore, zunionstore(destination, keys : Array, weights = nil, aggregate = nil) zunionstore

Constructor Detail

def = "localhost", port = 6379, unixsocket = nil, password = nil, database = nil, url = nil) #

Opens a Redis connection


  • host - the host to connect to
  • port - the port to connect to
  • unixsocket - instead of using TCP, you can connect to Redis via a Unix domain socket by passing its path here (e.g. "/tmp/redis.sock")
  • password - the password for authentication against the server. This is a convenience which saves you the extra call to the Redis auth command.
  • database - the number of the database to select. This a convenience which saves you a call a call to #select.
  • url - Redis url. If this is given, it overrides all others.


redis =


redis = "localhost", port: 6379)


redis = "/tmp/redis.sock")


redis = "redis://:[email protected]:6380/my-database")

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Class Method Detail

def = "localhost", port = 6379, unixsocket = nil, password = nil, database = nil, url = nil, &) #

Opens a Redis connection, yields the given block with a Redis object and closes the connection.


  • host - the host to connect to
  • port - the port to connect to
  • unixsocket - instead of using TCP, you can connect to Redis via a Unix domain socket by passing its path here (e.g. "/tmp/redis.sock")
  • password - the password for authentication against the server. This is a convenience which saves you the extra call to the Redis auth command.
  • database - the number of the database to select. This a convenience which saves you a call a call to #select.
  • url - Redis url. If this is given, it overrides all others.

Example: do |redis|

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Instance Method Detail

def close #

Closes the Redis connection.

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def multi(&) #

Sends Redis commands in transaction mode.

Yields its block. The block receives as argument an object that has the same API as this class, except:

  • it participates in the transaction
  • all the Redis commands return Futures
  • there is an additional method #discard that will abort the transaction.

Return value: an array with all the responses

  • one element for each executed command.


redis.multi do |multi|
  multi.set("foo1", "first")
  multi.set("foo2", "second")

See the examples repository for more examples.

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def pipelined(&) #

Sends Redis commands in pipeline mode.

Yields its block. The block receives as argument an object that has the same API as this class, except it participates in pipelining and all Redis commands return Futures.

Return value: an array with all the responses

  • one element for each executed command.


redis.pipelined do |pipeline|
  pipeline.set("foo1", "first")
  pipeline.set("foo2", "second")

See the examples repository for more examples.

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def url : String #

Returns the server URI for this client.

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def url? : String | Nil #

Returns the server URI for this client.

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