abstract class Pulsar::Event

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Pulsar::BaseEvent

name name

Class methods inherited from class Pulsar::BaseEvent

clear_subscribers clear_subscribers

Class Method Detail

def self.publish(*args_, **named_args_) #

Publishes the event to all subscribers.


Passing arguments to initialize

If your event defines an initialize and requires arguments, you can pass those arguments to .publish.

For example if you had the event:

class MyEvent < Pulsar::Event
  def initialize(custom_argument : String)

You would pass the arguments to .publish and they will be used to initialize the event:

MyEvent.publish(custom_argument: "This is my custom event argument")

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def self.subscribe(&block : self -> Nil) #

Subscribe to events

MyEvent.subscribe do |event|
  puts event.name # "MyEvent"

MyEvent.publish # Will run the block above

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Instance Method Detail

def started_at : Time #

When the event started