abstract class Carbon::Email

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

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def after_send(result) #

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def attachments #

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def bcc #

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def before_send #

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def cc #

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def deliver #

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def deliver_later #

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def deliverable=(deliverable : Bool) #

Set this value to false to prevent the email from being delivered

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def deliverable? : Bool #

Set this value to false to prevent the email from being delivered

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abstract def from : Carbon::Address #

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def headers : Hash(String, String) #

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def html_body #

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def html_layout(content_io : IO) #

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abstract def subject : String #

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def text_body #

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def text_layout(content_io : IO) #

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abstract def to : Array(Carbon::Address) #

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Macro Detail

macro attachment(value) #

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macro bcc(value) #

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macro cc(value) #

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macro configure #

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macro from(value) #

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macro header(key, value) #

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macro id_or_method(value) #

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macro reply_to(address) #

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macro subject(value) #

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macro to(value) #

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