module Iuliia::Mvd310Fr


The Mvd310Fr module provides transliteration (Engine.translate) using the MVD 310-1997 transliteration schema.

More information (in Russian)


This schema defines the following rule for the French mapping:

С between two vowels → SS

There is no such rule in other schemas, and MVD-310 itself is deprecated, so I decided to ignore this specific rule for the sake of code simplicity.


Iuliia::Mvd310Fr.translate("Юлия, съешь ещё этих мягких французских булок из Йошкар-Олы, да выпей алтайского чаю")
# => "Iouliia, sech echtche etikh miagkikh frantsouzskikh boulok iz Iochkar-Oly, da vypei altaiskogo tchaiou"

Iuliia::Mvd310Fr.translate("Юлия Щеглова")
# => "Iouliia Chtcheglova"

Iuliia::Mvd310Fr.translate("Гайа Васильева")
# => "Gaia Vasilieva"

Iuliia::Mvd310Fr.translate("Андрей Видный")
# => "Andrei Vidnyi"

Iuliia::Mvd310Fr.translate("Оксана Снегирёва")
# => "Oxana Sneguireva"

Iuliia::Mvd310Fr.translate("Юрий Васин")
# => "Iourii Vasine"

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Iuliia::Engine

description : String description, name : String name, translate(string : String) : String translate

Instance Method Detail

def description : String #

Returns the transliteration schema description.

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def name : String #

Returns the transliteration schema name.

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