class SimpLog::FileBackend


Provides a Log::Backend that is backed with a log file that supports automatic rotation, compression, and purging at specified durations

Defined in:

Constant Summary


Datetime pattern used to suffix rotated file names


Default compress duration: logs will be compress after 1 week

DEFAULT_DISPATCH_MODE = ::Log::DispatchMode::Async

Default Log::DispatchMode


Default file extension used for gzip compressed log files


Default rotation duration: logs will be rotated after 1 day


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Log::Formatter = ::Log::ShortFormat) #

Creates a new LogFileBackend, filename should use .log extension for log retention to work correctly and use a directory dedicated to log files

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def : String, formatter : Log::Formatter = ::Log::ShortFormat) #

Creates a new LogFileBackend, filename should use .log extension for log retention to work correctly and use a directory dedicated to log files

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Instance Method Detail

def compress_at : Time::Span #

File age at which log files will be gzip compressed

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def compress_at=(compress_at : Time::Span) #

File age at which log files will be gzip compressed

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def format(entry : Log::Entry) : Nil #

Emits the entry to the current file. It uses the #formatter to convert.

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def next_rotation_at : Time #

When the next log file rotation is scheduled to occur

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def retention : Time::Span | Nil #

File age at which log files will be purged, if not set logs will be retained forever by default

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def retention=(retention : Time::Span | Nil) #

File age at which log files will be purged, if not set logs will be retained forever by default

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def rotate_at : Time::Span #

File age at which the current log file will be rotated

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def rotate_at=(rotate_at : Time::Span) : Nil #

Sets the age at which the log file will be rotated

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def write(entry : Log::Entry) : Nil #

Writes an entry to the log rotating the log file if required

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