class ECS::World


Root level container for all entities / components, is iterated with ECS::Systems

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

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def #

Creates empty world

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Class Method Detail

def self.from_yaml(&) #

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Instance Method Detail

def add_yaml(io_or_string) #

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def add_yaml(&) #

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def all_of(*args, **options) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def all_of(*args, **options, &) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def any_of(*args, **options) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def any_of(*args, **options, &) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def component_exists?(typ) #

Returns true if at least one component of type typ exists in a world

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def decode(io) #

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def delete_all(with_callbacks = false) #

Deletes all components and entities from the world

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def each_entity(& : Entity -> ) #

Iterates over all entities

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def encode(io) #

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def entities_capacity #

number of entities that could exist in a world before reallocation of pools

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def entities_count #

total number of alive entities in a world

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def exclude(*args, **options) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def exclude(*args, **options, &) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def inspect(io) #

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def new_entity #

Creates new entity in a world context. Basically doesn't cost anything as it just increase entities counter. Entity don't take up space without components.

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def new_filter #

Creates new Filter. This call can be skipped: Instead of world.new_filter.of(Comp1) you can do world.of(Comp1)

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def of(*args, **options) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def of(*args, **options, &) #

Creates new Filter and adds a condition to it

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def query(typ) #

Returns SimpleFilter (stack-allocated) that can iterate over single component

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def stats(& : String, Int32 -> ) #

Non-allocating version of #stats. Yields component names and count of corresponding components

world = init_benchmark_world(1000000)
world.stats do |comp_name, value| 
  puts "#{comp_name}: #{value}" 

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def stats #

Returns Hash containing count of components

world = init_benchmark_world(1000000)
puts world.stats # prints {"Comp1" => 500000, "Comp2" => 333334, "Comp3" => 200000, "Comp4" => 142858, "Config" => 1}

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def to_yaml(yaml : YAML::Nodes::Builder) : Nil #

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