class ScoreFetcher
- ScoreFetcher
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
score_fetcher.crConstant Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #abort(error_message)
- #channels : {progress: Channel(Nil), omdb: Channel(Nil), imdb: Channel(Nil), rotten_tomatoes: Channel(Nil)}
scrape the score from the imdb website, as the value in omdb is not really up-to-date
- #fetch_omdb
try to scrape the score from the rotten tomatoes website, as the value in omdb is not really up-to-date
- #links(*args, **options)
- #links(*args, **options, &)
- #missing_scores!
- #movie(*args, **options)
- #movie(*args, **options, &)
- #omdb_api_key : String
- #result : OutputResult
- #run
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
def channels : {progress: Channel(Nil), omdb: Channel(Nil), imdb: Channel(Nil), rotten_tomatoes: Channel(Nil)}
def fetch_imdb
scrape the score from the imdb website, as the value in omdb is not really up-to-date
def fetch_tomato
try to scrape the score from the rotten tomatoes website, as the value in omdb is not really up-to-date