struct DynFork::Fields::F64Field


Field for entering float 64-bit numbers.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct DynFork::Fields::Field

choices_from_json(json : String) : Nil choices_from_json, disabled=(disabled : Bool) disabled=, disabled? : Bool disabled?, errors : Array(String) errors, errors=(errors : Array(String)) errors=, field_type : String field_type, group : UInt8 group, hide=(hide : Bool) hide=, hide? : Bool hide?, hint : String hint, id : String id, id=(id : String) id=, ignored? : Bool ignored?, label : String label, name : String name, name=(name : String) name=, readonly=(readonly : Bool) readonly=, readonly? : Bool readonly?, required? : Bool required?, slug_sources : Array(String) slug_sources, warning : String warning, warning=(warning : String) warning=

Constructor methods inherited from struct DynFork::Fields::Field

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

Field for entering float 64-bit numbers.

[View source]
def : String = "", default : Float64 | Nil = nil, input_type : String | Nil = "number", placeholder : String = "", max : Float64 | Nil = Float64::MAX, min : Float64 | Nil = Float64::MIN, step : Float64 | Nil = 1.0, hide : Bool = false, unique : Bool = false, required : Bool = false, disabled : Bool = false, readonly : Bool = false, ignored : Bool = false, hint : String = "", warning : String = "") #

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Instance Method Detail

def default : Float64 | Nil #

Value by default.

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def default? : Float64 | Nil | Nil #

Value by default.

[View source]
def extract_default_f64? : Float64 | Nil #

[View source]
def extract_val_f64? : Float64 | Nil #

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def field_type : String #

Field type - Structure Name.

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def finance_divide(num : Float | Int | BigInt | BigRational | BigDecimal | String) : Nil #

Divide #value by some number.

NOTE For secure calculations, BigDecimal is used.

NOTE Rounded to two decimal places.

NOTE Banikir rounding is used.

NOTE For currencies, use the Money shard.


model_name =
model_name.amount.value = 12.5
puts model_name.amount.value # => 6.25

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def finance_minus(num : Float | Int | BigInt | BigRational | BigDecimal | String) : Nil #

Subtract some number to the “value”.

NOTE For secure calculations, BigDecimal is used.

NOTE Rounded to two decimal places.

NOTE Banikir rounding is used.

NOTE For currencies, use the Money shard.


model_name =
model_name.amount.value = 12.5
puts model_name.amount.value # => 6.25

[View source]
def finance_multiply(num : Float | Int | BigInt | BigRational | BigDecimal | String) : Nil #

Multiply #value by some number.

NOTE For secure calculations, BigDecimal is used.

NOTE Rounded to two decimal places.

NOTE Banikir rounding is used.

NOTE For currencies, use the Money shard.


model_name =
model_name.amount.value = 12.5
puts model_name.amount.value # => 25.0

[View source]
def finance_plus(num : Float | Int | BigInt | BigRational | BigDecimal | String) : Nil #

Add some number to the #value.

NOTE For secure calculations, BigDecimal is used.

NOTE Rounded to two decimal places.

NOTE Banikir rounding is used.

NOTE For currencies, use the Money shard.


model_name =
puts model_name.amount.value # => 12.5

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def group : UInt8 #

To optimize field traversal in the paladins/check() method.

WARNING It is recommended not to change.

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def input_type : String | Nil #

Html tag: input type="number|range".

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def input_type? : String | Nil | Nil #

Html tag: input type="number|range".

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def max : Float64 | Nil #

The maximum number of characters allowed in the text.

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def max? : Float64 | Nil | Nil #

The maximum number of characters allowed in the text.

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def min : Float64 | Nil #

The minimum number of characters allowed in the text.

[View source]
def min? : Float64 | Nil | Nil #

The minimum number of characters allowed in the text.

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def placeholder : String #

Displays prompt text.

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def refrash_val_f64(val : Float64) : Nil #

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def step : Float64 | Nil #

Increment step for numeric fields.

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def step? : Float64 | Nil | Nil #

Increment step for numeric fields.

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def unique? : Bool #

The unique value of a field in a collection.

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def value : Float64 | Nil #

Sets the value of an element.

def value=(value : Float64 | Nil) #

Sets the value of an element.

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def value? : Float64 | Nil | Nil #

Sets the value of an element.