struct DynFork::Fields::ChoiceI64MultField


Type of selective field with static of elements.

NOTE With multiple choice.

NOTE How to use, see example.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct DynFork::Fields::Field

choices_from_json(json : String) : Nil choices_from_json, disabled=(disabled : Bool) disabled=, disabled? : Bool disabled?, errors : Array(String) errors, errors=(errors : Array(String)) errors=, field_type : String field_type, group : UInt8 group, hide=(hide : Bool) hide=, hide? : Bool hide?, hint : String hint, id : String id, id=(id : String) id=, ignored? : Bool ignored?, label : String label, name : String name, name=(name : String) name=, readonly=(readonly : Bool) readonly=, readonly? : Bool readonly?, required? : Bool required?, slug_sources : Array(String) slug_sources, warning : String warning, warning=(warning : String) warning=

Constructor methods inherited from struct DynFork::Fields::Field

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

Type of selective field with static of elements.

NOTE With multiple choice.

NOTE How to use, see example.

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def : String = "", default : Array(Int64) | Nil = nil, hide : Bool = false, required : Bool = false, disabled : Bool = false, readonly : Bool = false, ignored : Bool = false, hint : String = "", choices : Array(Tuple(Int64, String)) | Nil = Array(Tuple(Int64, String)).new) #

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Instance Method Detail

def choices : Array(Tuple(Int64, String)) | Nil #

Html tag: select multiple.
Example: [{5, "Title"}, {10, "Title 2"}]

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def choices? : Array(Tuple(Int64, String)) | Nil | Nil #

Html tag: select multiple.
Example: [{5, "Title"}, {10, "Title 2"}]

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def default : Array(Int64) | Nil #

Value by default.

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def default? : Array(Int64) | Nil | Nil #

Value by default.

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def field_type : String #

Field type - Structure Name.

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def group : UInt8 #

To optimize field traversal in the paladins/check() method.

WARNING It is recommended not to change.

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def has_value? : Bool #

Does the field value match the possible options in choices.

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def multiple? : Bool #

Specifies that multiple options can be selected at once.

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def refrash_val_arr_i64(val : Array(Int64)) : Nil #

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def value : Array(Int64) | Nil #

Sets the value of an element.

def value=(value : Array(Int64) | Nil) #

Sets the value of an element.

[View source]
def value? : Array(Int64) | Nil | Nil #

Sets the value of an element.