struct Minion::UUID
- Minion::UUID
- Struct
- Value
- Object
This struct wraps up a UUID that encodes a timestamp measured as seconds from the epoch (0001-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC) observed at the location where the timestamp was generated, plus nanoseconds in the current second, plus 6 bytes for unique identification of the source -- this could be an IPV4 address with two null bytes, a MAC address, or some other sequence that will fit in 6 bytes.
Nanoseconds will fit in an Int32 (4 bytes), but seconds since the epoch will not. The current number of seconds leaks a short distance into a 5th byte, meaning that in this class, it has to be represented by an Int64. This is problematic because a UID allows for 16 bytes, so the use of 8 for seconds and 4 for nanoseconds leaves only 4 four system identification. It also leaves three bytes in the UUID as zeros.
One solution is to combine the seconds and the nanoseconds into a single Int64 number. This requires math operations to do efficiently: (seconds * 1000000000) + nanoseconds and then more math to extract the original numbers in order to reconstruct the original timestamp. This leaves 8 bytes for identification or other uniqueness information.
The other options is to truncate 2 bytes off of the seconds, storing 6 bytes of seconds data. This leaves 6 bytes for identification.
The current implementation chose option #2, as it is less work to generate a UUID if math is not involved.
+-------------+-----------------+------------+ | nanoseconds | seconds | identifier | | 0..3 | 4..10 | 11..15 | +-------------+-----------------+------------+
Defined in:
- .new(seconds : Int64, nanoseconds : Int32, identifier : Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil = nil)
- .new(uuid : String)
- .new(uuid : UUID)
- .new(timestamp : Time, identifier : Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil = nil)
- .new(identifier : Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil = nil)
Class Method Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #initialize_impl(seconds : Int64, nanoseconds : Int32, identifier : Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil)
- #seconds_and_nanoseconds : Tuple(Int64, Int32)
- #timestamp
Returns a nicely readable and concise string representation of this object, typically intended for users.
- #utc
Constructor Detail
Class Method Detail
Instance Method Detail
Returns a nicely readable and concise string representation of this object, typically intended for users.
This method should usually not be overridden. It delegates to
which can be overridden for custom implementations.
Also see #inspect