enum NATS::JetStream::NAKBackoff
Common nack
backoff strategies give a simple shorthand for setting the
delays on subsequent delivery attempts.
nats = NATS::Client.new
jetstream.subscribe consumer do |msg|
# do some work
jetstream.ack msg
rescue ex
jetstream.nack msg, backoff: :exponential
raise ex
Defined in:
jetstream/nak_backoff.crEnum Members
Exponential =
Exponential backoff starts at a delay of 1/16th of a second and doubles every time the message is nacked with this strategy. This has the effect of running the first 3 attempts roughly immediately so that an uncommon but not unexpected failure (API call in a downstream service returns a 500) doesn't need to wait several seconds unless it truly needs to.
Linear =
Linear backoff delays for 1 second for each time the message is nacked with this strategy.