module MessagePack

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "1.0.0"

Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.pack(value : Type) #

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def self.unpack(string_or_io : String | IO | Bytes) : Any #

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Macro Detail

macro mapping(properties, strict = false, emit_nulls = true) #

The MessagePack.mapping macro defines how an object is mapped to MessagePack.


require "msgpack"

class Location
    lat: Float64,
    lng: Float64,

class House
    address:  String,
    location: {type: Location, nilable: true},

house = House.from_msgpack({"address" => "Crystal Road 1234", "location" => {"lat" => 12.3, "lng" => 34.5}}.to_msgpack)
house.address    # => "Crystal Road 1234"
house.location   # => #<Location:0x10cd93d80 @lat=12.3, @lng=34.5>
house.to_msgpack # => %({"address":"Crystal Road 1234","location":{"lat":12.3,"lng":34.5}})


MessagePack.mapping must receive a hash literal whose keys will define Crystal properties.

The value of each key can be a single type (not a union type). Primitive types (numbers, string, boolean and nil) are supported, as well as custom objects which use MessagePack.mapping or define a new method that accepts a MessagePack::Unpacker and returns an object from it.

The value can also be another hash literal with the following options:

  • type: (required) the single type described above (you can use MessagePack::Any too)
  • key: the property name in the MessagePack document (as opposed to the property name in the Crystal code)
  • nilable: if true, the property can be Nil
  • default: value to use if the property is missing in the MessagePack document, or if it's null and nilable was not set to true. If the default value creates a new instance of an object (for example [1, 2, 3] or, a different instance will be used each time a MessagePack document is parsed.
  • converter: specify an alternate type for parsing and generation. The converter must define from_msgpack(MessagePack::Unpacker) and to_msgpack(value, MessagePack::Packer) as class methods.

The mapping also automatically defines Crystal properties (getters and setters) for each of the keys. It doesn't define a constructor accepting those arguments, but you can provide an overload.

The macro basically defines a constructor accepting a MessagePack::Unpacker that reads from it and initializes this type's instance variables. It also defines a to_msgpack(MessagePack::Packer) method by invoking to_msgpack(MessagePack::Packer) on each of the properties (unless a converter is specified, in which case to_msgpack(value, MessagePack::Packer) is invoked).

This macro also declares instance variables of the types given in the mapping.

If strict is true, unknown properties in the MessagePack document will raise a parse exception. The default is false, so unknown properties are silently ignored.

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