module Shrine::Attacher::InstanceMethods
Direct including types
Defined in:
.new(file : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil = nil, cache_key : String = "cache", store_key : String = "store")
Initializes the attached file, temporary and permanent storage.
Instance Method Summary
#assign(value : IO | Nil, **options)
Calls #attach_cached, but skips if value is an empty string (this is useful when the uploaded file comes from form fields).
#attach(io : IO | Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil, storage = store_key, **options) : UploadedFile | Nil
Uploads given IO object and changes the uploaded file.
#attach_cached(value : IO | UploadedFile | Nil, **options)
Sets an existing cached file, or uploads an IO object to temporary storage and sets it via #attach.
- #attach_cached(value : String | Hash(String, String | UploadedFile::MetadataType), **options)
Returns whether a file is attached.
- #cache_key
#cached?(file = self.file)
Returns whether the file is uploaded to temporary storage.
#change(file : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil) : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil
Sets the uploaded file with dirty tracking, and runs validations.
Returns whether the attachment has changed.
Returns options that are automatically forwarded to the uploader.
Generates serializable data for the attachment.
Destroys the attachment.
Destroys the attached file if it exists and is uploaded to permanent storage.
If a new file was attached, deletes previously attached file if any.
#file : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil
Returns the attached uploaded file.
Returns attached file or raises an exception if no file is attached.
#file=(file : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil)
Returns the attached uploaded file.
Deletes any previous file and promotes newly attached cached file.
Returns the attached file.
#load_data(data : Hash(String, String | UploadedFile::MetadataType))
Loads the uploaded file from data generated by
. - #load_data(data : Nil)
- #load_data(**data)
#promote(storage = store_key, **options) : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil
Uploads current file to permanent storage and sets the stored file.
If a new cached file has been attached, uploads it to permanent storage.
#set(file : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil) : Shrine::UploadedFile | Nil
Sets the uploaded file.
Returns the Shrine class that this attacher's class is namespaced under.
- #store_key
#stored?(file = self.file)
Returns whether the file is uploaded to permanent storage.
#upload(io : IO | Shrine::UploadedFile, storage = store_key, **options) : Shrine::UploadedFile
Delegates to
, passing the #context. -
Converts JSON or Hash data into a Shrine::UploadedFile object.
If a file is attached, returns the uploaded file URL, otherwise returns nil.
Constructor Detail
Initializes the attached file, temporary and permanent storage.
Instance Method Detail
Calls #attach_cached, but skips if value is an empty string (this is useful when the uploaded file comes from form fields). Forwards any additional options to #attach_cached.
attacher.assign(, metadata: { "foo" => "bar" })
# ignores the assignment when a blank string is given
Uploads given IO object and changes the uploaded file.
# uploads the file to permanent storage
# uploads the file to specified storage
attacher.attach(io, storage: :other_store)
# forwards additional options to the uploader
attacher.attach(io, upload_options: { "x-amz-acl": "public-read" }, metadata: { "foo" => "bar" })
# removes the attachment
Sets an existing cached file, or uploads an IO object to temporary storage and sets it via #attach. Forwards any additional options to #attach.
# upload file to temporary storage and set the uploaded file.
# foward additional options to the uploader
attacher.attach_cached(, metadata: { "foo" => "bar" })
# sets an existing cached file from JSON data
attacher.attach_cached("{\"id\":\"...\",\"storage\":\"cache\",\"metadata\ ":{...}}")
# sets an existing cached file from Hash data
attacher.attach_cached({ "id" => "...", "storage" => "cache", "metadata" => {} })
Returns whether a file is attached.
attacher.attached? #=> true
attacher.attached? #=> false
Returns whether the file is uploaded to temporary storage.
attacher.cached? # checks current file
attacher.cached?(file) # checks given file
Sets the uploaded file with dirty tracking, and runs validations.
attacher.file #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
attacher.changed? #=> true
Returns whether the attachment has changed.
attacher.changed? #=> false
attacher.changed? #=> true
TODO This will work incorrect if @previous
is nil
Returns options that are automatically forwarded to the uploader. Can be modified with additional data.
Generates serializable data for the attachment. #=> { "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata": { ... } }
Destroys the attachment.
attacher.file.exists? #=> true
attacher.file.exists? #=> false
Destroys the attached file if it exists and is uploaded to permanent storage.
attacher.file.exists? #=> true
attacher.file.exists? #=> false
If a new file was attached, deletes previously attached file if any.
previous_file = attacher.file
previous_file.exists? #=> false
Deletes any previous file and promotes newly attached cached file. It also clears any dirty tracking.
# promoting cached file
attacher.cached? #=> true
# deleting previous file
previous_file = attacher.file
previous_file.exists? #=> true
previous_file.exists? #=> false
# clearing dirty tracking
attacher.changed? #=> true
attacher.changed? #=> false
Returns the attached file.
# when a file is attached
attacher.get #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
# when no file is attached
attacher.get #=> nil
Loads the uploaded file from data generated by Attacher#data
attacher.file #=> nil
attacher.load_data({ "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata" => { ... } })
attacher.file #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
Uploads current file to permanent storage and sets the stored file.
attacher.cached? #=> true
attacher.stored? #=> true
If a new cached file has been attached, uploads it to permanent storage. Any additional options are forwarded to #promote.
attacher.cached? #=> true
attacher.stored? #=> true
Sets the uploaded file.
attacher.file #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
attacher.changed? #=> false
Returns whether the file is uploaded to permanent storage.
attacher.stored? # checks current file
attacher.stored?(file) # checks given file
Delegates to Shrine.upload
, passing the #context.
# upload file to specified storage
attacher.upload(io, "store") #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
# pass additional options for the uploader
attacher.upload(io, "store", metadata: { "foo" => "bar" })
Converts JSON or Hash data into a Shrine::UploadedFile object.
#=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>
attacher.uploaded_file({ "id" => "...", "storage" => "...", "metadata" => {} })
#=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>
If a file is attached, returns the uploaded file URL, otherwise returns nil. Any options are forwarded to the storage.
attacher.file = file
attacher.url #=> "https://..."
attacher.file = nil
attacher.url #=> nil