module Duktape::API::Compile

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def compile(str : String) #

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def compile #

NOTE These methods are all equivalent to the Duktape pcompile_xxx functions because we wish to safely return from errors.

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def compile!(str : String) #

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def compile! #

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def compile_file(str : String) #

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def compile_file!(str : String) #

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def compile_lstring(src : String, length : Int32) #

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def compile_lstring!(src : String, length : Int32) #

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def compile_lstring_filename(src : String, length : Int32) #

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def compile_lstring_filename!(src : String, length : Int32) #

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def compile_string(src : String) #

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def compile_string!(src : String) #

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def compile_string_filename(src : String) #

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def compile_string_filename!(src : String) #

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def dump_function #

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def load_function #

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