struct FlawlessState::State

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def = self.defined_states) #

transitions are a Hash(Symbol,Array(Symbol) which reprsent what a state is allowed to transitio to

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Instance Method Detail

def build_transitions(definitions : Hash(Symbol, Array(Symbol))) #

Create the @state_pairs array of tuples. Each tuple is a from_state to a to_state. #defined_states would produce the following pairs. Each each is an allowed to-> from set of states.

[{:new, :initialized},
 {:new, :ready},
 {:new, :complete},
 {:initialized, :ready},
 {:initialized, :complete},
 {:ready, :complete}]

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def current_state : Symbol #

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def defined_states #

each key results in an array that can be transitioned into. see #build_transitions

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def is?(state : Symbol) #

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def is_not?(state : Symbol) #

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def state_pairs : Array({Symbol, Symbol}) #

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def state_pairs=(state_pairs : Array(Tuple(Symbol, Symbol))) #

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def terminal?(state : Symbol = @current_state) #

A state is termimal if it is has no valid states to transition to (empty arrays in #defined_states) States can be forced to other states with #transition_to!

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def transition_to(new_state : Symbol) #

if a transition is permitted, make it, otherwise raise an exception

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def transition_to!(new_state : Symbol) #

force a transition without checking the validity of the new state

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