enum UnicodeBlock

Defined in:


Enum Members

Null = 0
BasicLatin = 128
Latin1Supplement = 256
LatinExtendedA = 384
LatinExtendedB = 592
IPAExtensions = 688
SpacingModifierLetters = 768
CombiningDiacriticalMarks = 880
GreekandCoptic = 1024
Cyrillic = 1280
CyrillicSupplement = 1328
Armenian = 1424
Hebrew = 1536
Arabic = 1792
Syriac = 1872
ArabicSupplement = 1920
Thaana = 1984
NKo = 2048
Samaritan = 2112
Mandaic = 2144
SyriacSupplement = 2208
ArabicExtendedA = 2304
Devanagari = 2432
Bengali = 2560
Gurmukhi = 2688
Gujarati = 2816
Oriya = 2944
Tamil = 3072
Telugu = 3200
Kannada = 3328
Malayalam = 3456
Sinhala = 3584
Thai = 3712
Lao = 3840
Tibetan = 4096
Myanmar = 4256
Georgian = 4352
HangulJamo = 4608
Ethiopic = 4992
EthiopicSupplement = 5024
Cherokee = 5120
UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics = 5760
Ogham = 5792
Runic = 5888
Tagalog = 5920
Hanunoo = 5952
Buhid = 5984
Tagbanwa = 6016
Khmer = 6144
Mongolian = 6320
UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended = 6400
Limbu = 6480
TaiLe = 6528
NewTaiLue = 6624
KhmerSymbols = 6656
Buginese = 6688
TaiTham = 6832
CombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended = 6912
Balinese = 7040
Sundanese = 7104
Batak = 7168
Lepcha = 7248
OlChiki = 7296
CyrillicExtendedC = 7360
SundaneseSupplement = 7376
VedicExtensions = 7424
PhoneticExtensions = 7552
PhoneticExtensionsSupplement = 7616
CombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement = 7680
LatinExtendedAdditional = 7936
GreekExtended = 8192
GeneralPunctuation = 8304
SuperscriptsandSubscripts = 8352
CurrencySymbols = 8400
CombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols = 8448
LetterlikeSymbols = 8528
NumberForms = 8592
Arrows = 8704
MathematicalOperators = 8960
MiscellaneousTechnical = 9216
ControlPictures = 9280
OpticalCharacterRecognition = 9312
EnclosedAlphanumerics = 9472
BoxDrawing = 9600
BlockElements = 9632
GeometricShapes = 9728
MiscellaneousSymbols = 9984
Dingbats = 10176
MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA = 10224
SupplementalArrowsA = 10240
BraillePatterns = 10496
SupplementalArrowsB = 10624
MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB = 10752
SupplementalMathematicalOperators = 11008
MiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows = 11264
Glagolitic = 11360
LatinExtendedC = 11392
Coptic = 11520
GeorgianSupplement = 11568
Tifinagh = 11648
EthiopicExtended = 11744
CyrillicExtendedA = 11776
SupplementalPunctuation = 11904
CJKRadicalsSupplement = 12032
KangxiRadicals = 12272
IdeographicDescriptionCharacters = 12288
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation = 12352
Hiragana = 12448
Katakana = 12544
Bopomofo = 12592
HangulCompatibilityJamo = 12688
Kanbun = 12704
BopomofoExtended = 12736
CJKStrokes = 12784
KatakanaPhoneticExtensions = 12800
EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths = 13056
CJKCompatibility = 13312
CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA = 19904
YijingHexagramSymbols = 19968
CJKUnifiedIdeographs = 40960
YiSyllables = 42128
YiRadicals = 42192
Lisu = 42240
Vai = 42560
CyrillicExtendedB = 42656
Bamum = 42752
ModifierToneLetters = 42784
LatinExtendedD = 43008
SylotiNagri = 43056
CommonIndicNumberForms = 43072
Phagspa = 43136
Saurashtra = 43232
DevanagariExtended = 43264
KayahLi = 43312
Rejang = 43360
HangulJamoExtendedA = 43392
Javanese = 43488
MyanmarExtendedB = 43520
Cham = 43616
MyanmarExtendedA = 43648
TaiViet = 43744
MeeteiMayekExtensions = 43776
EthiopicExtendedA = 43824
LatinExtendedE = 43888
CherokeeSupplement = 43968
MeeteiMayek = 44032
HangulSyllables = 55216
HangulJamoExtendedB = 55296
HighSurrogates = 56192
HighPrivateUseSurrogates = 56320
LowSurrogates = 57344
PrivateUseArea = 63744
CJKCompatibilityIdeographs = 64256
AlphabeticPresentationForms = 64336
ArabicPresentationFormsA = 65024
VariationSelectors = 65040
VerticalForms = 65056
CombiningHalfMarks = 65072
CJKCompatibilityForms = 65104
SmallFormVariants = 65136
ArabicPresentationFormsB = 65280
HalfwidthandFullwidthForms = 65520
Specials = 65536
LinearBSyllabary = 65664
LinearBIdeograms = 65792
AegeanNumbers = 65856
AncientGreekNumbers = 65936
AncientSymbols = 66000
PhaistosDisc = 66176
Lycian = 66208
Carian = 66272
CopticEpactNumbers = 66304
OldItalic = 66352
Gothic = 66384
OldPermic = 66432
Ugaritic = 66464
OldPersian = 66560
Deseret = 66640
Shavian = 66688
Osmanya = 66736
Osage = 66816
Elbasan = 66864
CaucasianAlbanian = 67072
LinearA = 67584
CypriotSyllabary = 67648
ImperialAramaic = 67680
Palmyrene = 67712
Nabataean = 67808
Hatran = 67840
Phoenician = 67872
Lydian = 67968
MeroiticHieroglyphs = 68000
MeroiticCursive = 68096
Kharoshthi = 68192
OldSouthArabian = 68224
OldNorthArabian = 68288
Manichaean = 68352
Avestan = 68416
InscriptionalParthian = 68448
InscriptionalPahlavi = 68480
PsalterPahlavi = 68608
OldTurkic = 68736
OldHungarian = 69216
RumiNumeralSymbols = 69632
Brahmi = 69760
Kaithi = 69840
SoraSompeng = 69888
Chakma = 69968
Mahajani = 70016
Sharada = 70112
SinhalaArchaicNumbers = 70144
Khojki = 70272
Multani = 70320
Khudawadi = 70400
Grantha = 70656
Newa = 70784
Tirhuta = 71040
Siddham = 71168
Modi = 71264
MongolianSupplement = 71296
Takri = 71424
Ahom = 71840
WarangCiti = 72192
ZanabazarSquare = 72272
Soyombo = 72384
PauCinHau = 72704
Bhaiksuki = 72816
Marchen = 72960
MasaramGondi = 73728
Cuneiform = 74752
CuneiformNumbersandPunctuation = 74880
EarlyDynasticCuneiform = 77824
EgyptianHieroglyphs = 82944
AnatolianHieroglyphs = 92160
BamumSupplement = 92736
Mro = 92880
BassaVah = 92928
PahawhHmong = 93952
Miao = 94176
IdeographicSymbolsandPunctuation = 94208
Tangut = 100352
TangutComponents = 110592
KanaSupplement = 110848
KanaExtendedA = 110960
Nushu = 113664
Duployan = 113824
ShorthandFormatControls = 118784
ByzantineMusicalSymbols = 119040
MusicalSymbols = 119296
AncientGreekMusicalNotation = 119552
TaiXuanJingSymbols = 119648
CountingRodNumerals = 119808
MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols = 120832
SuttonSignWriting = 122880
GlagoliticSupplement = 124928
MendeKikakui = 125184
Adlam = 126464
ArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols = 126976
MahjongTiles = 127024
DominoTiles = 127136
PlayingCards = 127232
EnclosedAlphanumericSupplement = 127488
EnclosedIdeographicSupplement = 127744
MiscellaneousSymbolsandPictographs = 128512
Emoticons = 128592
OrnamentalDingbats = 128640
TransportandMapSymbols = 128768
AlchemicalSymbols = 128896
GeometricShapesExtended = 129024
SupplementalArrowsC = 129280
SupplementalSymbolsandPictographs = 131072
CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB = 173824
CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC = 177984
CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD = 178208
CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE = 183984
CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF = 194560
CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement = 917504
Tags = 917760
VariationSelectorsSupplement = 983040
SupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA = 1048576
SupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB = 1114112


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(character : Char) : UnicodeBlock #

Returns the corresponding Unicode block to which the character belong.

[View source]

Instance Method Detail

def adlam? #

[View source]
def aegean_numbers? #

[View source]
def ahom? #

[View source]
def alchemical_symbols? #

[View source]
def alphabetic_presentation_forms? #

[View source]
def anatolian_hieroglyphs? #

[View source]
def ancient_greek_musical_notation? #

[View source]
def ancient_greek_numbers? #

[View source]
def ancient_symbols? #

[View source]
def arabic? #

[View source]
def arabic_extended_a? #

[View source]
def arabic_mathematical_alphabetic_symbols? #

[View source]
def arabic_presentation_forms_a? #

[View source]
def arabic_presentation_forms_b? #

[View source]
def arabic_supplement? #

[View source]
def armenian? #

[View source]
def arrows? #

[View source]
def avestan? #

[View source]
def balinese? #

[View source]
def bamum? #

[View source]
def bamum_supplement? #

[View source]
def basic_latin? #

[View source]
def bassa_vah? #

[View source]
def batak? #

[View source]
def bengali? #

[View source]
def bhaiksuki? #

[View source]
def block_elements? #

[View source]
def bopomofo? #

[View source]
def bopomofo_extended? #

[View source]
def box_drawing? #

[View source]
def brahmi? #

[View source]
def braille_patterns? #

[View source]
def buginese? #

[View source]
def buhid? #

[View source]
def byzantine_musical_symbols? #

[View source]
def carian? #

[View source]
def caucasian_albanian? #

[View source]
def chakma? #

[View source]
def cham? #

[View source]
def cherokee? #

[View source]
def cherokee_supplement? #

[View source]
def cjk_compatibility? #

[View source]
def cjk_compatibility_forms? #

[View source]
def cjk_compatibility_ideographs? #

[View source]
def cjk_compatibility_ideographs_supplement? #

[View source]
def cjk_radicals_supplement? #

[View source]
def cjk_strokes? #

[View source]
def cjk_symbolsand_punctuation? #

[View source]
def cjk_unified_ideographs? #

[View source]
def cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_a? #

[View source]
def cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_b? #

[View source]
def cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_c? #

[View source]
def cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_d? #

[View source]
def cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_e? #

[View source]
def cjk_unified_ideographs_extension_f? #

[View source]
def combining_diacritical_marks? #

[View source]
def combining_diacritical_marks_extended? #

[View source]
def combining_diacritical_marks_supplement? #

[View source]
def combining_diacritical_marksfor_symbols? #

[View source]
def combining_half_marks? #

[View source]
def common_indic_number_forms? #

[View source]
def control_pictures? #

[View source]
def coptic? #

[View source]
def coptic_epact_numbers? #

[View source]
def counting_rod_numerals? #

[View source]
def cuneiform? #

[View source]
def cuneiform_numbersand_punctuation? #

[View source]
def currency_symbols? #

[View source]
def cypriot_syllabary? #

[View source]
def cyrillic? #

[View source]
def cyrillic_extended_a? #

[View source]
def cyrillic_extended_b? #

[View source]
def cyrillic_extended_c? #

[View source]
def cyrillic_supplement? #

[View source]
def deseret? #

[View source]
def devanagari? #

[View source]
def devanagari_extended? #

[View source]
def dingbats? #

[View source]
def domino_tiles? #

[View source]
def duployan? #

[View source]
def each_char(start_block : UnicodeBlock = Null, &block : Char -> ) : Nil #

Yields each non-control character from the start block to the current one included.

[View source]
def early_dynastic_cuneiform? #

[View source]
def egyptian_hieroglyphs? #

[View source]
def elbasan? #

[View source]
def emoticons? #

[View source]
def enclosed_alphanumeric_supplement? #

[View source]
def enclosed_alphanumerics? #

[View source]
def enclosed_cjk_lettersand_months? #

[View source]
def enclosed_ideographic_supplement? #

[View source]
def ethiopic? #

[View source]
def ethiopic_extended? #

[View source]
def ethiopic_extended_a? #

[View source]
def ethiopic_supplement? #

[View source]
def general_punctuation? #

[View source]
def geometric_shapes? #

[View source]
def geometric_shapes_extended? #

[View source]
def georgian? #

[View source]
def georgian_supplement? #

[View source]
def glagolitic? #

[View source]
def glagolitic_supplement? #

[View source]
def gothic? #

[View source]
def grantha? #

[View source]
def greek_extended? #

[View source]
def greekand_coptic? #

[View source]
def gujarati? #

[View source]
def gurmukhi? #

[View source]
def halfwidthand_fullwidth_forms? #

[View source]
def hangul_compatibility_jamo? #

[View source]
def hangul_jamo? #

[View source]
def hangul_jamo_extended_a? #

[View source]
def hangul_jamo_extended_b? #

[View source]
def hangul_syllables? #

[View source]
def hanunoo? #

[View source]
def hatran? #

[View source]
def hebrew? #

[View source]
def high_private_use_surrogates? #

[View source]
def high_surrogates? #

[View source]
def hiragana? #

[View source]
def ideographic_description_characters? #

[View source]
def ideographic_symbolsand_punctuation? #

[View source]
def imperial_aramaic? #

[View source]
def inscriptional_pahlavi? #

[View source]
def inscriptional_parthian? #

[View source]
def ipa_extensions? #

[View source]
def javanese? #

[View source]
def kaithi? #

[View source]
def kana_extended_a? #

[View source]
def kana_supplement? #

[View source]
def kanbun? #

[View source]
def kangxi_radicals? #

[View source]
def kannada? #

[View source]
def katakana? #

[View source]
def katakana_phonetic_extensions? #

[View source]
def kayah_li? #

[View source]
def kharoshthi? #

[View source]
def khmer? #

[View source]
def khmer_symbols? #

[View source]
def khojki? #

[View source]
def khudawadi? #

[View source]
def lao? #

[View source]
def latin1_supplement? #

[View source]
def latin_extended_a? #

[View source]
def latin_extended_additional? #

[View source]
def latin_extended_b? #

[View source]
def latin_extended_c? #

[View source]
def latin_extended_d? #

[View source]
def latin_extended_e? #

[View source]
def lepcha? #

[View source]
def letterlike_symbols? #

[View source]
def limbu? #

[View source]
def linear_a? #

[View source]
def linear_b_ideograms? #

[View source]
def linear_b_syllabary? #

[View source]
def lisu? #

[View source]
def low_surrogates? #

[View source]
def lycian? #

[View source]
def lydian? #

[View source]
def mahajani? #

[View source]
def mahjong_tiles? #

[View source]
def malayalam? #

[View source]
def mandaic? #

[View source]
def manichaean? #

[View source]
def marchen? #

[View source]
def masaram_gondi? #

[View source]
def mathematical_alphanumeric_symbols? #

[View source]
def mathematical_operators? #

[View source]
def meetei_mayek? #

[View source]
def meetei_mayek_extensions? #

[View source]
def mende_kikakui? #

[View source]
def meroitic_cursive? #

[View source]
def meroitic_hieroglyphs? #

[View source]
def miao? #

[View source]
def miscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_a? #

[View source]
def miscellaneous_mathematical_symbols_b? #

[View source]
def miscellaneous_symbols? #

[View source]
def miscellaneous_symbolsand_arrows? #

[View source]
def miscellaneous_symbolsand_pictographs? #

[View source]
def miscellaneous_technical? #

[View source]
def modi? #

[View source]
def modifier_tone_letters? #

[View source]
def mongolian? #

[View source]
def mongolian_supplement? #

[View source]
def mro? #

[View source]
def multani? #

[View source]
def musical_symbols? #

[View source]
def myanmar? #

[View source]
def myanmar_extended_a? #

[View source]
def myanmar_extended_b? #

[View source]
def n_ko? #

[View source]
def nabataean? #

[View source]
def new_tai_lue? #

[View source]
def newa? #

[View source]
def null? #

[View source]
def number_forms? #

[View source]
def nushu? #

[View source]
def ogham? #

[View source]
def ol_chiki? #

[View source]
def old_hungarian? #

[View source]
def old_italic? #

[View source]
def old_north_arabian? #

[View source]
def old_permic? #

[View source]
def old_persian? #

[View source]
def old_south_arabian? #

[View source]
def old_turkic? #

[View source]
def optical_character_recognition? #

[View source]
def oriya? #

[View source]
def ornamental_dingbats? #

[View source]
def osage? #

[View source]
def osmanya? #

[View source]
def pahawh_hmong? #

[View source]
def palmyrene? #

[View source]
def pau_cin_hau? #

[View source]
def phagspa? #

[View source]
def phaistos_disc? #

[View source]
def phoenician? #

[View source]
def phonetic_extensions? #

[View source]
def phonetic_extensions_supplement? #

[View source]
def playing_cards? #

[View source]
def private_use_area? #

[View source]
def psalter_pahlavi? #

[View source]
def rejang? #

[View source]
def rumi_numeral_symbols? #

[View source]
def runic? #

[View source]
def samaritan? #

[View source]
def saurashtra? #

[View source]
def sharada? #

[View source]
def shavian? #

[View source]
def shorthand_format_controls? #

[View source]
def siddham? #

[View source]
def sinhala? #

[View source]
def sinhala_archaic_numbers? #

[View source]
def small_form_variants? #

[View source]
def sora_sompeng? #

[View source]
def soyombo? #

[View source]
def spacing_modifier_letters? #

[View source]
def specials? #

[View source]
def sundanese? #

[View source]
def sundanese_supplement? #

[View source]
def superscriptsand_subscripts? #

[View source]
def supplemental_arrows_a? #

[View source]
def supplemental_arrows_b? #

[View source]
def supplemental_arrows_c? #

[View source]
def supplemental_mathematical_operators? #

[View source]
def supplemental_punctuation? #

[View source]
def supplemental_symbolsand_pictographs? #

[View source]
def supplementary_private_use_area_a? #

[View source]
def supplementary_private_use_area_b? #

[View source]
def sutton_sign_writing? #

[View source]
def syloti_nagri? #

[View source]
def syriac? #

[View source]
def syriac_supplement? #

[View source]
def tagalog? #

[View source]
def tagbanwa? #

[View source]
def tags? #

[View source]
def tai_le? #

[View source]
def tai_tham? #

[View source]
def tai_viet? #

[View source]
def tai_xuan_jing_symbols? #

[View source]
def takri? #

[View source]
def tamil? #

[View source]
def tangut? #

[View source]
def tangut_components? #

[View source]
def telugu? #

[View source]
def thaana? #

[View source]
def thai? #

[View source]
def tibetan? #

[View source]
def tifinagh? #

[View source]
def tirhuta? #

[View source]
def transportand_map_symbols? #

[View source]
def ugaritic? #

[View source]
def unified_canadian_aboriginal_syllabics? #

[View source]
def unified_canadian_aboriginal_syllabics_extended? #

[View source]
def vai? #

[View source]
def variation_selectors? #

[View source]
def variation_selectors_supplement? #

[View source]
def vedic_extensions? #

[View source]
def vertical_forms? #

[View source]
def warang_citi? #

[View source]
def yi_radicals? #

[View source]
def yi_syllables? #

[View source]
def yijing_hexagram_symbols? #

[View source]
def zanabazar_square? #

[View source]