struct JSON::Any


JSON::Any is a convenient wrapper around all possible JSON types (JSON::Any::Type) and can be used for traversing dynamic or unknown JSON structures.

require "json"

obj = JSON.parse(%({"access": [{"name": "mapping", "speed": "fast"}, {"name": "any", "speed": "slow"}]}))
obj["access"][1]["name"].as_s  # => "any"
obj["access"][1]["speed"].as_s # => "slow"

Note that methods used to traverse a JSON structure, #[] and #[]?, always return a JSON::Any to allow further traversal. To convert them to String, Int32, etc., use the as_ methods, such as #as_s, #as_i, which perform a type check against the raw underlying value. This means that invoking #as_s when the underlying value is not a String will raise: the value won't automatically be converted (parsed) to a String. There are also nil-able variants (#as_i?, #as_s?, ...), which return nil when the underlying value type won't match.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Dynany(JSON)

[]=(key : Int, value : T::Any)
[]=(path : Enumerable, value : T::Any) : T::Any
, delete(index : Int) : T::Any | Nil
delete(key : String) : T::Any | Nil
delete(path : Enumerable) : T::Any

Instance Method Detail

def [](path : Enumerable) : T::Any #

Returns the value corresponding to the path. If not found, raise.

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def []=(key : String, value : Any) : T::Any #

Sets the value of key to the given value.

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def []?(path : Enumerable) : T::Any | Nil #

Returns the value corresponding to the path. If not found, returns nil.

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