module Serializer::DSL


Contains DSL required to define required fields and relations for serialization.

class UserSerializer < Serializer::Base(User)
  attribute :name
  attribute :first_name, "first-name"
  attribute :email, if: :secure?

  has_many :posts, PostSerializer

  def secure?(record, options)
    options && options[:secure]?

Direct including types

Defined in:


Macro Summary

Macro Detail

macro attribute(name, key = nil, if if_proc = nil) #

Defines name attribute to be serialized.

name values will be used as a method name that is called on target object. Also it can be a serializer's own method name. In such case it is called instead.


  • key - json key; equals to name by default;
  • if - name of a method to be used to check whether attribute name should be serialized.

Method given to the if should have following signature:

abstract def method(object : T, options : Hash(Symbol, Serializer::MetaAny)?)

Returned type will be used in if clause.

class UserSerializer < Serializer::Base(User)
  attribute :name
  attribute :first_name, "first-name"
  attribute :email, if: :secure?

  def secure?(record, options)
    options && options[:secure]?

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macro attributes(*names) #

Defines list of attributes to be serialized from target.

class UserSerializer < Serializer::Base(User)
  attributes :name, :first_name, :email

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macro belongs_to(name, serializer, key = nil) #

Defines one-to-any name association that is serialized by serializer.

For more details see .has_many.

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macro has_many(name, serializer, key = nil) #

Defines one-to-many name association that is serialized by serializer.


  • key - json key; equals to name by default;
  • serializer - class to be used for association serialization.
class UserSerializer < Serializer::Base(User)
  has_many :posts, PostSerializer
  has_many :post_comments, CommentSerializer, "postComments"

By default all associations are not serialized. To make an association being serialized it should be explicitly specified in includes argument of Base#serialize method.

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macro has_one(name, serializer, key = nil) #

Defines one-to-one name association that is serialized by serializer.

For more details see .has_many.

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