class CryMagick::Image::Info

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ALL_ATTRS = ["format", "mime_type", "width", "height", "dimensions", "size", "human_size", "colorspace", "mime_type", "exif", "resolution", "signature", "details"] of ::String
ASCII_ENCODED_EXIF_KEYS = ["ExifVersion", "FlashPixVersion"] of ::String
INT_ATTR = ["width", "height"] of ::String
STRING_ATTRS = ["format", "mime_type", "human_size", "colorspace", "signature", "details"] of ::String


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String) #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](value, *args) #

[View source]
def cheap_info(value) #

[View source]
def clear #

[View source]
def colorspace #

[View source]
def data #

[View source]
def details #

[View source]
def dimensions #

[View source]
def exif #

[View source]
def format #

[View source]
def height #

[View source]
def human_size #

[View source]
def identify(&) : String #

[View source]
def mime_type #

[View source]
def raw(value) #

[View source]
def raw_exif(value) #

[View source]
def resolution(unit = "") #

[View source]
def signature #

[View source]
def size #

[View source]
def width #

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