module Gitlab::Client::Project
Defines methods related to project.
Project visibility level
Project in GitLab has be either private, internal or public. You can determine it by visibility_level field in project.
Constants for project visibility levels are next:
Private. visibility_level is 0. Project access must be granted explicitly for each user.
Internal. visibility_level is 10. The project can be cloned by any logged in user.
Public. visibility_level is 20. The project can be cloned without any authentication.
Direct including types
Defined in:
gitlab/client/project.crInstance Method Summary
#add_project_hook(project : Int32 | String, url : String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Create a web hook of a project.
#add_project_member(project : Int32 | String, user_id : Int32, access_level : Int32) : JSON::Any
Adds a user to project team.
#add_project_pages_domain(project : Int32 | String, domain : String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Adds a pages domain to project.
#all_projects(params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Gets a list of projects by the authenticated user (admin only).
#archive_project(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any
Archive a project.
#create_fork_from(project : Int32 | String, forked_from_id : Int32) : JSON::Any
Create a forked from/to relation between existing projects.
#create_project(user_id : Int32, name : String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Creates a new project for a user.
#create_project(name : String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Creates a new project.
#delete_project(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any | Bool
Deletes a project.
#edit_project(project : Int32 | String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Updates an existing project.
#edit_project_hook(project : Int32 | String, hook_id : Int32, url : String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Updates a web hook of a project.
#edit_project_member(project : Int32 | String, user_id, access_level) : JSON::Any
Updates a team member's project access level.
#edit_project_pages_domain(project : Int32 | String, domain : String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Updates a pages domain project.
#fork_project(project : Int32 | String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Forks a project into the user namespace.
#owned_projects(params : Hash | Nil = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Gets a list of projects owned by the authenticated user.
#project(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any
Gets information about a project.
#project_add_custom_attribute(project_id : Int32, key : String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Add's a project custom attribute
#project_branch(project : Int32 | String, branch : String) : JSON::Any
Get a branch of a project.
#project_branchs(project : Int32 | String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Get a list of a project's branches.
#project_custom_attribute(project_id : Int32, key : String) : JSON::Any
Gets a single project custom attribute
#project_custom_attributes(project_id : Int32) : JSON::Any
List project custom attributes
#project_delete_custom_attribute(project_id : Int32, key : String) : JSON::Any | Bool
Deletes a project custom attribute
#project_events(project : Int32 | String, params : Hash | Nil = nil) : JSON::Any
Gets a list of project events.
#project_hook(project : Int32 | String, hook_id : Int32) : JSON::Any
Get a web hook of a project.
#project_hooks(project : Int32 | String, params : Hash | Nil = nil) : JSON::Any
Get a list of a project's web hooks.
#project_member(project : Int32 | String, user_id : Int32) : JSON::Any
Gets a project team member.
#project_members(project : Int32 | String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Get a list of a project's team members.
#project_pages_domain(project : Int32 | String, domain : String) : JSON::Any
Gets a project pages domain.
#project_pages_domains(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any
Get a list of a project's pages domains.
#project_search(query, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Search for project by name
#projects(params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Gets single issue in the project.
#protect_project_branch(project : Int32 | String, branch : String) : JSON::Any
Protect a branch of a project.
#remove_fork(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any
Delete an existing forked from relationship.
#remove_project_hook(project : Int32 | String, hook_id : Int32) : JSON::Any | Nil
Removes a user from project team.
#remove_project_member(project : Int32 | String, user_id : Int32) : JSON::Any | Bool
Removes a user from project team.
#remove_project_pages_domain(project : Int32 | String, domain : String) : JSON::Any | Bool
Removes a pages domain from project.
#share_project(project : Int32 | String, group_id : Int32, group_access = nil) : JSON::Any
Share a project with a group.
#star_project(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any
Star a project for the authentication user.
#starred_projects(params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any
Gets a list of projects starred by the authenticated user.
#unarchive_project(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any
Unarchive a project.
#unprotect_project_branch(project : Int32 | String, branch : String) : JSON::Any
Unprotect a branch of a project.
#unstar_project(project : Int32 | String) : JSON::Any
Unstar a project.
#upload_file(project : Int32 | String, file : String) : JSON::Any
Upload a file in a project
#upload_file(project : Int32 | String, file : File) : JSON::Any
Same as
Instance Method Detail
Create a web hook of a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [String] url The url of a web hook.
- param [Hash] form A customizable set of options.
- option form [String] :push_events Trigger hook on push events.
- option form [String] :issues_events Trigger hook on issues events.
- option form [String] :merge_requests_events Trigger hook on merge_requests events.
- option form [String] :tag_push_events Trigger hook on push_tag events.
- option form [String] :note_events Trigger hook on note events.
- option form [String] :enable_ssl_verification Do SSL verification when triggering the hook.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the created web hook.
client.add_project_hook(42, "")
client.add_project_hook('gitlab', "", { "issues_events" => "true" })
Adds a user to project team.
- param [Int32, String] project_id The ID or name of a project.
- param [Int32] user_id The ID of a user.
- param [Int32] access_level The access level to project.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about added team member.
client.add_project_member('gitlab', 2, 40)
Adds a pages domain to project.
- param [Int32, String] project_id The ID or name of a project.
- param [String] domain The custom domain.
- params [Hash] form A customizable set of options.
- option form [Bool] :auto_ssl_enabled Enables automatic generation of SSL certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt for custom domains.
- option form [String] :certificate The certificate in PEM format with intermediates following in most specific to least specific order.
- option form [String] :key The certificate key in PEM format.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about added pages domain.
client.add_project_pages_domain('gitlab', "", {"auto_ssl_enabled" => true})
Gets a list of projects by the authenticated user (admin only).
Alias to #projects
({ "scope" => "all" })
client.all_projects({"order_by" => "last_activity_at", "sort" => "desc"})
client.all_projects({"search" => "keyword"})
Archive a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the archive project.
Create a forked from/to relation between existing projects. Available only for admins.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Hash] branch The name of a branch.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the forked project.
client.create_fork_from(1, 21)
Creates a new project for a user.
Alias to #create_project
(params : Hash = {} of String => String)
client.create_project(1, "gitlab")
client.create_project(1, "gitlab", { "description: => "Awesome project" })
Creates a new project.
- params [String] name The name of a project.
- params [Hash] form A customizable set of options.
- option form [String] :description The description of a project.
- option form [String] :default_branch The default branch of a project.
- option form [String] :namespace_id The namespace in which to create a project.
- option form [String] :wiki_enabled The wiki integration for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
- option form [String] :wall_enabled The wall functionality for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
- option form [String] :issues_enabled The issues integration for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
- option form [String] :snippets_enabled The snippets integration for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
- option form [String] :merge_requests_enabled The merge requests functionality for a project (0 = false, 1 = true).
- option form [String] :public The setting for making a project public (0 = false, 1 = true).
- option form [String] :user_id The user/owner id of a project.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about created project.
client.create_project("viking", { "description: => "Awesome project" })
client.create_project("Red", { "wall_enabled" => "false" })
Deletes a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the deleted project.
Updates an existing project.
- params [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- params [Hash] form A customizable set of options.
- option form [String] :name The name of a project.
- option form [String] :path The name of a project.
- option form [String] :description The name of a project.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the edited project.
client.edit_project(42, {"name" => "project_name"})
Updates a web hook of a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Int32] hook_id The ID of a web hook.
- param [Int32] url The url of a web hook.
- param [Hash] form A customizable set of options.
- option form [String] :push_events Trigger hook on push events.
- option form [String] :issues_events Trigger hook on issues events.
- option form [String] :merge_requests_events Trigger hook on merge_requests events.
- option form [String] :tag_push_events Trigger hook on push_tag events.
- option form [String] :note_events Trigger hook on note events.
- option form [String] :enable_ssl_verification Do SSL verification when triggering the hook.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about updated web hook.
client.edit_project_hook('gitlab', 3, "")
Updates a team member's project access level.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Int32] user_id The ID of a user.
- param [Int32] access_level The access level to project.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about updated team member.
client.edit_project_member('gitlab', 3, 20)
Updates a pages domain project.
- param [Int32, String] project_id The ID or name of a project.
- param [String] domain The custom domain.
- params [Hash] form A customizable set of options.
- option form [Bool] :auto_ssl_enabled Enables automatic generation of SSL certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt for custom domains.
- option form [String] :certificate The certificate in PEM format with intermediates following in most specific to least specific order.
- option form [String] :key The certificate key in PEM format.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about added pages domain.
client.edit_project_pages_domain('gitlab', "", {"auto_ssl_enabled" => true})
Forks a project into the user namespace.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Hash] form A customizable set of options.
- option form [String] :sudo The username the project will be forked for.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the forked project.
client.create_fork(42, {"sudo" => "another_username"})
Gets a list of projects owned by the authenticated user.
Alias to #projects
({ "scope" => "owned" })
client.owned_projects({"order_by" => "last_activity_at", "sort" => "desc"})
client.owned_projects({"search" => "keyword"})
Gets information about a project.
- params [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about project.
Add's a project custom attribute
Available only for admin.
- param [Int32] project_id The Id of project
- param [String] the key of the custom attribute
- param [Hash] params A single param with the value of the custom attribute
- params [String] :value The value of the custom attribute.
- return [JSON::Any] information about the custom_attribute
client.project_add_custom_attribute(4, custom_key, {"value" => "custom_value"})
Get a branch of a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Int32] branch The name of a branch.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the branch under a project.
client.project_branch('gitlab', "develop")
Get a list of a project's branches.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
- option options [Int32] :page The page number.
- option options [Int32] :per_page The number of results per page.
- return [JSON::Any] List of branches under a project.
client.project_branchs('gitlab', { "per_page" => "4" })
Gets a single project custom attribute
Available only for admin.
- param [Int32] project_id The Id of project
- param [String] the key of the custom attribute
- return [JSON::Any] information about the custom_attribute
client.project_custom_attribute(4, "custom_key")
List project custom attributes
Available only for admin.
- param [Int32] project_id The Id of project
- return [JSON::Any] information about the custom_attribute
Deletes a project custom attribute
Available only for admin.
- param [Int32] project_id The Id of project
- param [String] the key of the custom attribute
- return [JSON::Any] information about the custom_attribute
client.project_delete_custom_attribute(4, custom_key)
Gets a list of project events.
- params [Int32, String] project The ID of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- params [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
- option params [Int32] :page The page number.
- option params [Int32] :per_page The number of results per page.
- return [JSON::Any] List of events under a project.
Get a web hook of a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Int32] hook_id The ID of a web hook.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the web hook.
client.project_hook('gitlab', 1)
Get a list of a project's web hooks.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Hash] params A customizable set of options.
- option params [Int32] :page The page number.
- option params [Int32] :per_page The number of results per page.
- return [JSON::Any] List of web hooks under a project.
client.project_hooks('gitlab', { "per_page" => "4" })
Gets a project team member.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Int32] user_id The ID of a project team member.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about member under a project.
client.project_member(1, 2)
Get a list of a project's team members.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Hash] options A customizable set of options.
- option options [String] :query The search query.
- option options [Int32] :page The page number.
- option options [Int32] :per_page The number of results per page.
- return [JSON::Any] List of team members under a project.
Gets a project pages domain.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [String] The custom domain.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about pages domain under a project.
client.project_pages_domain(1, "")
Get a list of a project's pages domains.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] List of pages domains under a project.
Search for project by name
- param [String] query A string to search for in group names and paths.
- param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
- option params [String] :per_page Number of projects to return per page.
- option params [String] :page The page to retrieve.
- option params [String] :order_by Return requests ordered by id, name, created_at or last_activity_at fields.
- option params [String] :sort Return requests sorted in asc or desc order.
- return [JSON::Any] List of projects under search qyery.
client.project_search("gitlab", {"per_page" => 50})
Gets single issue in the project.
- params [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
- option params [String] :scope Scope of projects. "owned" for list of projects owned by the authenticated user, "starred" for list of projects starred by the authenticated user, "all" to get all projects (admin only)
- option params [String] :archived if passed, limit by archived status.
- option params [String] :visibility if passed, limit by visibility public, internal, private.
- option params [String] :order_by Return requests ordered by id, name, path, created_at, updated_at or last_activity_at fields. Default is created_at.
- option params [String] :sort Return requests sorted in asc or desc order. Default is desc.
- option params [String] :search Return list of authorized projects according to a search criteria.
- option params [Int32] :page The page number.
- option params [Int32] :per_page The number of results per page.
- return [JSON::Any] List of projects of the authorized user.
client.projects({"order_by" => "last_activity_at", "sort" => "desc"})
client.projects({"scope" => "starred", "search" => "keyword"})
Protect a branch of a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Hash] branch The name of a branch.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the protected branch.
client.protect_project_branch(2, "master")
client.protect_project_branch("gitlab", "master")
Delete an existing forked from relationship. Available only for admins.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the unforked project.
Removes a user from project team.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Int32] hook_id The ID of a web hook.
- return [JSON::Any | Nil] Information about removed web hook.
client.remove_project_hook('gitlab', 2)
client.remove_project_hook(1, 2)
Removes a user from project team.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Int32] user_id The ID of a user.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about removed team member.
client.remove_project_member('gitlab', 2)
Removes a pages domain from project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [String] domain The custom domain.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about removed team member.
client.remove_project_pages_domain(1, "")
Star a project for the authentication user.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the starred project.
Gets a list of projects starred by the authenticated user.
Alias to #projects
({ "scope" => "starred" })
client.starred_projects({"order_by" => "last_activity_at", "sort" => "desc"})
client.starred_projects({"search" => "keyword"})
Unarchive a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the unarchive project.
Unprotect a branch of a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [Hash] branch The name of a branch.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the unprotect branch.
client.unprotect_project_branch(2, "master")
client.unprotect_project_branch("gitlab", "master")
Unstar a project.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the unstar project.
Upload a file in a project
Uploads a file to the specified project to be used in an issue or merge request description, or a comment.
Note: The returned url is relative to the project path. In Markdown contexts, the link is automatically expanded when the format in markdown is used.
- param [Int32, String] project The ID or name of a project. If using namespaced projects call make sure that the NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME is URL-encoded.
- param [String] file The path of a file.
- return [JSON::Any] Information about the uploaded file.
client.upload_file(1, "/Users/icyleaf/Desktop/snippets_ruby.rb")
client.upload_file(1, "/Users/icyleaf/Desktop/screenshot.png")
client.upload_file(1, "/Users/icyleaf/Desktop/")