abstract class Dwarf::Strategies::Base

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Dwarf::Mixins

files files, params : HTTP::Params params, request request

Constructor Detail

def self.new(scope : String | Nil = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

abstract def authenticate!(scope : String | Nil = nil, strategy : String | Nil = nil) #

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def clear! #

Marks this strategy as not performed.

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def context : HTTP::Server::Context #

def context=(context : HTTP::Server::Context) #

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def context? : HTTP::Server::Context | Nil #

def custom!(body : String, status_code : Int32 = 200, headers = HTTP::Headers.new) #

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def custom_response : Response #

def custom_response=(custom_response : Response) #

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def custom_response? : Response | Nil #

def fail(message : Nil | String = "Failed to Login", halted : Bool = false) #

Causes the strategy to fail, but not halt. The strategies will cascade after this failure and warden will check the next strategy. The last strategy to fail will have it's message displayed.

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def fail!(message = "Failed to Login") #

This causes the strategy to fail. It does not raise Dwarf::Error to drop the request out to the failure application You must throw an :warden symbol somewhere in the application to enforce this Halts the strategies so that this is the last strategy checked

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def halt! #

Cause the processing of the strategies to stop and cascade no further

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def halted? #

Checks to see if a strategy was halted

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def headers(header = HTTP::Headers.new) #

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def message : String | Nil #

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def message=(message : String | Nil) #

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def params #

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def pass #

A simple method to return from authenticate! if you want to ignore this strategy

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def performed? : Bool #

Returns if this strategy was already performed.

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def redirect!(url, message : String | Nil = nil, content_type = "text/plain", permanent = true) #

Causes the authentication to redirect. An Dwarf::Error must be thrown to actually execute this redirect

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def request(*args, **options) #

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def request(*args, **options, &) #

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def result : Result #

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def result=(result : Result) #

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def success!(user : JSON::Any, message : String | Nil = nil) #

Whenever you want to provide a user object as "authenticated" use the #success! method. This will halt the strategy, and set the user in the appropriate scope. It is the "login" method

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def successful? #

Returns true only if the result is a success and a user was assigned.

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def user : JSON::Any #

def user=(user : JSON::Any) #

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def user? : JSON::Any | Nil #

abstract def valid? : String | Nil | Bool #

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