class Spectator::IterativeExampleGroupBuilder(T)
- Spectator::IterativeExampleGroupBuilder(T)
- Spectator::ExampleGroupBuilder
- Spectator::NodeBuilder
- Reference
- Object
Progressively constructs an iterative example group.
Hooks and builders for child nodes can be added over time to this builder.
When done, call #build
to produce an ExampleGroup
with nested ExampleGroupIteration
Defined in:
.new(collection : Enumerable(T), name : String | Nil = nil, iterators : Array(String) = [] of String, location : Location | Nil = nil, metadata : Metadata | Nil = nil)
Creates the builder.
Instance Method Summary
#build(parent = nil)
Constructs an iterative example group with previously defined attributes, children, and hooks.
Instance methods inherited from class Spectator::ExampleGroupBuilder
after_all(hook : ExampleGroupHook) : Nilafter_all(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
after_all(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil after_all, after_each(hook : ExampleHook) : Nil
after_each(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
after_each(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil after_each, around_each(hook : ExampleProcsyHook) : Nil
around_each(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
around_each(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil around_each, before_all(hook : ExampleGroupHook) : Nil
before_all(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
before_all(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil before_all, before_each(hook : ExampleHook) : Nil
before_each(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
before_each(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil before_each, build(parent = nil) build, post_condition(hook : ExampleHook) : Nil
post_condition(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
post_condition(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil post_condition, pre_condition(hook : ExampleHook) : Nil
pre_condition(*args, **kwargs) : Nil
pre_condition(*args, **kwargs, &block) : Nil pre_condition
Constructor methods inherited from class Spectator::ExampleGroupBuilder
new(name : Label = nil, location : Location | Nil = nil, metadata : Metadata | Nil = nil)
Instance methods inherited from class Spectator::NodeBuilder
build(parent = nil)
Instance methods inherited from class Object
should(matcher : Spectator::Matchers::TypeMatcher(U), message = nil, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) forall Ushould(matcher, message = nil, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) should, should_eventually(matcher, message = nil, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) should_eventually, should_never(matcher, message = nil, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) should_never, should_not(matcher : Spectator::Matchers::TypeMatcher(U), message = nil, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) forall U
should_not(matcher : Spectator::Matchers::NilMatcher, message = nil, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__)
should_not(matcher, message = nil, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) should_not
Constructor Detail
Creates the builder.
Initially, the builder will have no children and no hooks.
The name, location, and metadata will be applied to the ExampleGroup
produced by #build
The collection is the set of items to create sub-nodes for.
The iterators is a list of optional names given to items in the collection.
Instance Method Detail
Constructs an iterative example group with previously defined attributes, children, and hooks. The parent is an already constructed example group to nest the new example group under. It can be nil if the new example group won't have a parent.