🦥️ delay-proxy

A TCP proxy that adds a configurable amount of delay.

A simple way to simulate services behind slow networks locally.


Compile it and manually install, it's just a single executable.

First install the crystal language compiler, then:

git clone github.com/hugopl/delay-proxy.git
cd delay-proxy
crystal build --release src/main.cr -o bin/delay-proxy

Then copy bin/delay-proxy to whatever you want, e.g. /usr/bin/.

Usage 🖥️↔️🦥️↔️💻️

Suppose you want to simulate a redis-server behind a slow connection:

Start the redis-server in some terminal.


Now start the delay-proxy

delay-proxy :6379

It will open the port 1234 and redirect all data to port 6369 with a delay of 200±10%ms

Now open redis-cli in yet another terminal

redis-cli -p 1234

All commands should work, but with a delay in the response.> ping

On delay-proxy terminal you see

Listening port 1234 and redirecting to localhost:6379 after 200ms...
Client connected to proxy
Proxy connected to target
-> 27 bytes ⌛213ms
<- 49920 bytes ⌛205ms
<- 116160 bytes ⌛195ms
<- 39125 bytes ⌛201ms
-> 14 bytes ⌛215ms
<- 7 bytes ⌛193ms

The complete command without using the defaults is:

delay-proxy localhost:6379 1234 200


Suggestions, open an issue.


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/hugopl/delay-proxy/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
