class Pterodactyl::ApplicationSdk

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, application_token : String) #

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Instance Method Detail

def create_allocation(node_id : Int64 | Int32 | String, ip : String, ports : Array(String) | Array(Int64) | Array(Int32)) #

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def create_server(create_server_request : CreateServerRequest) #

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def create_user(email : String, username : String, first_name : String, last_name : String, password : String) #

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def delete_allocation(node_id : Int64 | Int32 | String, allocation_id : Int64 | Int32 | String) #

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def delete_server(id : Int64 | Int32 | String, force : Bool = false) #

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def get_allocations(node_id : Int64 | Int32 | String, page : Int64 = 1) #

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def get_egg(egg_id : Int64 | Int32 | String, nest_id : Int32 | Int64 | String, relationships : Array(String) = [] of String) #

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def get_eggs(id : Int64 | Int32 | String) #

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def get_location(id : Int32 | Int64 | String) : Models::Location #

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def get_nest(id : Int32 | Int64 | String, relationships : Array(String) = [] of String) #

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def get_node(node_id : Int64 | Int32 | String) #

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def get_nodes(params : Array(NodeParam) = [] of NodeParam) #

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def get_server(id : Int32 | Int64 | String) : Models::ApplicationServer #

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def list_locations : Array(Models::Location) #

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def list_nests : Array(Models::Nest) #

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def list_servers #

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def reinstall_server(id : Int64 | Int32 | String) #

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def suspend_server(id : Int64 | Int32 | String) #

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def unsuspend_server(id : Int64 | Int32 | String) #

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def update_server_build(id : Int64 | Int32 | String, body : Body::UpdateServerBuild) #

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def update_server_details(id : Int32 | Int64 | String, name : String, user : Int32, external_id : String | Nil = nil, description : String | Nil = nil) : Models::ApplicationServer #

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def update_server_startup(id : String | Int32 | Int64, body : Body::UpdateServerStartup) #

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