is a Crystal API Client for the ConvertKit API


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: hostari/
  2. Run shards install


require "convertkit"

# Set your API secret
ConvertKit.api_secret = "api-secret-here"

# Retrieving subscribers
subscribers = ConvertKit::Subscribers.retrieve.subscribers

# Iterate through each subscriber
subscribers.each do |subscriber|
  puts subscriber

# Creating a Tag
ConvertKit::Tags.create({name: "Email Newsletter"})

API endpoints

Note that the plural form of the resource is used when retrieving a list (i.e. Subscribers.retrieve) and singular form when retrieving a specific item of a resource i.e. Subscriber.retrieve(id)

| Method description | Method | HTTP Method | Path | |----|---|---|---| Show current account | Account.retrieve | GET | /v3/account List forms | Forms.list | GET | /v3/forms Add subscriber to a form | Forms.subscribe | POST | /v3/forms/:form_id/subscribe List subscriptions to a form | Forms::Subscriptions.retrieve(form_id) | GET | /v3/forms/:form_id/subscriptions List sequences | Sequences.list | GET | /v3/sequences Add subscriber to a sequence | Sequences.subscribe | POST | /v3/sequences/:sequence_id/subscribe List subscriber to a sequence | Sequences::Subscriptions.retrieve(id) | GET | /v3/sequences/:id/subscriptions List tags | Tags.list | GET | /v3/tags Create a tag | Tags.create(tag: NamedTuple(name: String)) | POST | /v3/tags Tag a subscriber | - | POST | /v3/tags/:id/subscribe Remove tag from a subscriber | Tags.unsubscribe(sub_id, tag_id) | DELETE | /v3/subscribers/:subscriber_id/tags/:tag_id Remove tag from a subscriber by email | Tags.unsubscribe(id, email) | POST | /v3/tags/:id/unsubscribe List subscriptions to a tag | Tags::Subscriptions.retrieve(id) | POST | /v3/tags/:tag_id/unsubscribe List subscribers | Subscribers.retrieve | GET | /v3/subscribers View a single subscriber | Subscriber.retrieve(id) | GET | /v3/subscribers/:subscriber_id Update a subscriber | Subscriber.update(id, first_name : String? = nil, email_address : String? = nil) | PUT | /v3/subscribers/:id Unsubscribe a subscriber | Subscriber.unscubscribe(email) | PUT | /v3/unsubscribe List tags for a subscriber | Subscriber.tags(id) | GET | /v3/subscribers/:id/tags List broadcasts | Broadcasts.list | GET | /v3/broadcasts Create broadcast | - | POST | /v3/broadcasts View a broadcast | Broadcast.retrieve(id) | GET | /v3/broadcasts/:id Get stats | Broadcasts.stats(id) | GET | /v3/broadcasts/:id/stats Update broadcast | - | PUT | /v3/broadcasts/:id Delete broadcast | - | DELETE | /v3/broadcasts/:id List purchases | - | GET | /v3/purchases View a purchase | - | GET | /v3/purchases/:id Create a purchase | - | POST | /v3/purchases Create a purchase | - | POST | /v3/purchases


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
