class Giphy::Images::ExtendedImageData

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Giphy::Images::SizedImageData

size : String | Nil size, size=(size : String | Nil) size=

Constructor methods inherited from class Giphy::Images::SizedImageData

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Instance methods inherited from class Giphy::Images::ImageData

height : String | Nil height, height=(height : String | Nil) height=, url : String | Nil url, url=(url : String | Nil) url=, width : String | Nil width, width=(width : String | Nil) width=

Constructor methods inherited from class Giphy::Images::ImageData

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def webp : String | Nil #

The URL for this GIF in .webp format.

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def webp=(webp : String | Nil) #

The URL for this GIF in .webp format.

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def webp_size : String | Nil #

The size in bytes of the .webp file corresponding to this GIF.

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def webp_size=(webp_size : String | Nil) #

The size in bytes of the .webp file corresponding to this GIF.

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