class KotlinParser
- KotlinParser
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
.new(path : String, tokens : Array(Token))
Initialize the parser with the path and tokens
Macro Summary
Macro to reset field variables
Macro to skip constructor keyword in tokens
Macro to skip modifier list in tokens
Macro to skip newlines in tokens
Macro to skip primary constructor in tokens
Macro to skip type parameters in tokens
Instance Method Summary
Check if a token value indicates the start of an annotation
- #classes : Array(ClassModel)
- #classes=(classes : Array(ClassModel))
- #classes_tokens : Array(Array(Token))
- #classes_tokens=(classes_tokens : Array(Array(Token)))
Find the end of an annotation
Find the start of an annotation
#find_bracket_partner(param_start_index : Int32)
Find the matching bracket for a given token index
#get_class_name(tokens : Array(Token))
Get the class name from a set of tokens
#get_package_name(tokens : Array(Token))
Method to extract the package name from the tokens
#get_root_source_directory(path : String, package_name : String)
Method to determine the root source directory based on the package name
- #import_statements : Array(String)
- #import_statements=(import_statements : Array(String))
Check if a token is a valid modifier
Main parse method to handle import statements and classes
Parse annotations backwards from a given index
Parse modifiers for a class starting from a given index
Parse class parameters from the tokens
#parse_classes(tokens : Array(Token), index = 0)
Parse class declarations from the tokens
#parse_fields_from_class_body(class_start_index, fields : Hash(String, FieldModel), methods : Hash(String, MethodModel))
Parse fields from the class body
#parse_formal_parameters(param_start_index : Int32)
Parse the formal parameters of a method or constructor
#parse_import_statements(tokens : Array(Token))
Parse import statements from the tokens
#parse_methods(class_tokens : Array(Token))
Parse methods from the class tokens
- #path : String
- #path=(path : String)
#print_tokens(tokens : Array(Token), id = "default", trace = false)
Print tokens for debugging purposes
- #tokens : Array(Token)
- #tokens=(tokens : Array(Token))
Trace parsed class and method details
Constructor Detail
Initialize the parser with the path and tokens
Macro Detail
Instance Method Detail
Check if a token value indicates the start of an annotation
Find the matching bracket for a given token index
Method to extract the package name from the tokens
Method to determine the root source directory based on the package name
Parse modifiers for a class starting from a given index
Parse class declarations from the tokens
Parse fields from the class body
Parse the formal parameters of a method or constructor
Parse import statements from the tokens
Print tokens for debugging purposes