class Discord::Client
- Discord::Client
- Reference
- Object
The basic client class that is used to connect to Discord, send REST requests, or send or receive gateway messages. It is required for doing any sort of interaction with Discord.
A new simple client that does nothing yet can be created like this:
client = "Bot token", client_id: 123_u64)
With this client, REST requests can now be sent. (See the Discord::REST
module.) A gateway connection can also be started using the #run
Included Modules
Defined in:
discordcr/client.crConstant Summary
DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = "Crystal", browser: "discordcr", device: "discordcr", referrer: "", referring_domain: "")
Default analytics properties sent in IDENTIFY
Log =
.new(token : String, client_id : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil, shard : Gateway::ShardKey | Nil = nil, large_threshold : Int32 = 100, compress : CompressMode = CompressMode::Stream, zlib_buffer_size : Int32 = (10 * 1024) * 1024, properties : Gateway::IdentifyProperties = DEFAULT_PROPERTIES, intents : Gateway::Intents | Nil = nil)
Creates a new bot with the given token and optionally the client_id.
Instance Method Summary
#cache : Cache | Nil
If this is set to any
, the data in the cache will be updated as the client receives the corresponding gateway dispatches. -
#cache=(cache : Cache | Nil)
If this is set to any
, the data in the cache will be updated as the client receives the corresponding gateway dispatches. -
Returns this client's ID as provided in its associated Oauth2 application.
#inject(packet : Discord::WebSocket::Packet)
Injects a packet into the packet handler.
#on_channel_create(&handler : Channel -> )
Called when a channel has been created on a server the bot has access to, or when somebody has started a DM channel with the bot.
#on_channel_delete(&handler : Channel -> )
Called when a channel the bot has access to is deleted.
#on_channel_pins_update(&handler : Gateway::ChannelPinsUpdatePayload -> )
Called when a channel's pinned messages are updated, where a pin was either added or removed.
#on_channel_update(&handler : Channel -> )
Called when a channel's properties are updated, like the name or permission overwrites.
#on_dispatch(&handler : Tuple(String, IO::Memory) -> )
Called when the bot receives any kind of dispatch at all, even one that is otherwise unsupported.
#on_guild_ban_add(&handler : Gateway::GuildBanPayload -> )
Called when somebody is banned from a guild.
#on_guild_ban_remove(&handler : Gateway::GuildBanPayload -> )
Called when somebody is unbanned from a guild.
#on_guild_create(&handler : Gateway::GuildCreatePayload -> )
Called when the bot is added to a guild, a guild unavailable due to an outage becomes available again, or the guild is streamed after READY.
#on_guild_delete(&handler : Gateway::GuildDeletePayload -> )
Called when the bot leaves a guild or a guild becomes unavailable due to an outage.
#on_guild_emoji_update(&handler : Gateway::GuildEmojiUpdatePayload -> )
Called when a guild's emoji are updated.
#on_guild_integrations_update(&handler : Gateway::GuildIntegrationsUpdatePayload -> )
Called when a guild's integrations (Twitch, YouTube) are updated.
#on_guild_member_add(&handler : Gateway::GuildMemberAddPayload -> )
Called when somebody other than the bot joins a guild.
#on_guild_member_remove(&handler : Gateway::GuildMemberRemovePayload -> )
Called when somebody other than the bot leaves a guild.
#on_guild_member_update(&handler : Gateway::GuildMemberUpdatePayload -> )
Called when a member object is updated.
#on_guild_members_chunk(&handler : Gateway::GuildMembersChunkPayload -> )
Called when Discord sends a chunk of member objects after a
call. -
#on_guild_role_create(&handler : Gateway::GuildRolePayload -> )
Called when a role is created on a guild.
#on_guild_role_delete(&handler : Gateway::GuildRoleDeletePayload -> )
Called when a role is deleted.
#on_guild_role_update(&handler : Gateway::GuildRolePayload -> )
Called when a role's properties are updated, for example name or colour.
#on_guild_update(&handler : Guild -> )
Called when a guild's properties, like name or verification level, are updated.
#on_invite_create(&handler : Gateway::InviteCreatePayload -> )
Called when an invite is created on a guild.
#on_invite_delete(&handler : Gateway::InviteDeletePayload -> )
Called when an invite is deleted.
#on_message_create(&handler : Message -> )
Called when a message is sent to a channel the bot has access to.
#on_message_delete(&handler : Gateway::MessageDeletePayload -> )
Called when a single message is deleted.
#on_message_delete_bulk(&handler : Gateway::MessageDeleteBulkPayload -> )
Called when multiple messages are deleted at once, due to a bot using the bulk-delete endpoint, or other actions.
#on_message_reaction_add(&handler : Gateway::MessageReactionPayload -> )
Called when a reaction is added to a message.
#on_message_reaction_remove(&handler : Gateway::MessageReactionPayload -> )
Called when a reaction is removed from a message.
#on_message_reaction_remove_all(&handler : Gateway::MessageReactionRemoveAllPayload -> )
Called when all reactions are removed at once from a message.
#on_message_reaction_remove_emoji(&handler : Gateway::MessageReactionRemoveEmojiPayload -> )
Called when all reactions of a single emoji are removed at once from a message.
#on_message_update(&handler : Gateway::MessageUpdatePayload -> )
Called when a message is updated.
#on_presence_update(&handler : Gateway::PresenceUpdatePayload -> )
Called when a user updates their status (online/idle/offline), the game they are playing, or their streaming status.
#on_ready(&handler : Gateway::ReadyPayload -> )
Called when the bot has successfully initiated a session with Discord.
#on_resumed(&handler : Gateway::ResumedPayload -> )
Called when the client has successfully resumed an existing connection after reconnecting.
#on_typing_start(&handler : Gateway::TypingStartPayload -> )
Called when somebody starts typing in a channel the bot has access to.
#on_user_update(&handler : User -> )
Called when the user properties of the bot itself are changed.
#on_voice_server_update(&handler : Gateway::VoiceServerUpdatePayload -> )
Called when a guild's voice server changes.
#on_voice_state_update(&handler : VoiceState -> )
Called when somebody joins or leaves a voice channel, moves to a different one, or is muted/unmuted/deafened/undeafened.
#on_webhooks_update(&handler : Gateway::WebhooksUpdatePayload -> )
Sent when a guild channel's webhook is created, updated, or deleted.
#reconnect(should_resume = false, backoff_override = nil)
Reconnects the websocket connection entirely.
#request_guild_members(guild_id : UInt64, query : String = "", limit : Int32 = 0)
Requests a full list of members to be sent for a specific guild.
#resume(sequence : Int64 | Nil = nil)
Sends a resume packet from the given sequence number, or alternatively the current session's last received sequence if none is given.
Connects this client to the gateway.
#session : Gateway::Session | Nil
The internal session the client is currently using, necessary to create a voice client, for example
#status_update(status : String | Nil = nil, game : GamePlaying | Nil = nil, afk : Bool = false, since : Int64 | Nil = nil)
Sends a status update to Discord.
#stop(code : HTTP::WebSocket::CloseCode = HTTP::WebSocket::CloseCode::NormalClosure)
Closes the gateway connection permanently
#voice_state_update(guild_id : UInt64, channel_id : UInt64 | Nil, self_mute : Bool, self_deaf : Bool)
Sends a voice state update to Discord.
Separate method to wait an ever-increasing amount of time before reconnecting after being disconnected in an unexpected way
#websocket : Discord::WebSocket
The internal websocket the client is currently using
Instance methods inherited from module Discord::REST
add_guild_member(guild_id : UInt64, user_id : UInt64, access_token : String, nick : String | Nil = nil, roles : Array(UInt64) | Nil = nil, mute : Bool | Nil = nil, deaf : Bool | Nil = nil)
add_guild_member_role(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, role_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
add_pinned_channel_message(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
begin_guild_prune(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, days : UInt32, reason : String | Nil = nil)
bulk_delete_messages(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_ids : Array(UInt64 | Snowflake))
create_channel_invite(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, max_age : UInt32 = 0_u32, max_uses : UInt32 = 0_u32, temporary : Bool = false)
create_channel_webhook(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String, avatar : String)
create_dm(recipient_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
create_guild_ban(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, delete_message_days : Int32 | Nil = nil, reason : String | Nil = nil)
create_guild_channel(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String, type : ChannelType, topic : String | Nil, bitrate : UInt32 | Nil, user_limit : UInt32 | Nil, rate_limit_per_user : Int32 | Nil, position : UInt32 | Nil, parent_id : UInt64 | Nil | Snowflake | Nil, nsfw : Bool | Nil, reason : String | Nil = nil)
create_guild_emoji(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String, image : String)
create_guild_integration(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, type : String, id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
create_guild_role(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String | Nil = nil, permissions : Permissions | Nil = nil, colour : UInt32 = 0_u32, hoist : Bool = false, mentionable : Bool = false, reason : String | Nil = nil)
create_message(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, content : String, embed : Embed | Nil = nil, tts : Bool = false, nonce : Int64 | String | Nil = nil)
create_reaction(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji : String)
delete_all_reactions(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_channel(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_channel_permission(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, overwrite_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_guild(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_guild_emoji(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_guild_integration(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, integration_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_guild_role(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, role_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, reason : String | Nil = nil)
delete_invite(code : String, reason : String | Nil = nil)
delete_message(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_own_reaction(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji : String)
delete_pinned_channel_message(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_reaction(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji : String)
delete_user_reaction(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji : String, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake)
delete_webhook(webhook_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, token : String)delete_webhook(webhook_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) delete_webhook, edit_channel_permissions(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, overwrite_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, type : String, allow : Permissions, deny : Permissions) edit_channel_permissions, edit_message(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, content : String, embed : Embed | Nil = nil) edit_message, execute_webhook(webhook_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, token : String, content : String | Nil = nil, file : String | Nil = nil, embeds : Array(Embed) | Nil = nil, tts : Bool | Nil = nil, avatar_url : String | Nil = nil, username : String | Nil = nil, wait : Bool | Nil = false) execute_webhook, get_channel(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_channel, get_channel_invites(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_channel_invites, get_channel_message(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_channel_message, get_channel_messages(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, limit : Int32 = 50, before : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil, after : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil, around : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil) get_channel_messages, get_channel_webhooks(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_channel_webhooks, get_current_user get_current_user, get_current_user_guilds(limit : Int32 = 100, before : UInt64 | Snowflake = 0_u64, after : UInt64 | Snowflake = 0_u64) get_current_user_guilds, get_gateway get_gateway, get_gateway_bot get_gateway_bot, get_guild(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild, get_guild_ban(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, reason : String | Nil = nil) get_guild_ban, get_guild_bans(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_bans, get_guild_channels(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_channels, get_guild_embed(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_embed, get_guild_emoji(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_emoji, get_guild_integrations(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_integrations, get_guild_member(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_member, get_guild_prune_count(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, days : UInt32) get_guild_prune_count, get_guild_roles(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_roles, get_guild_vanity_url(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_vanity_url, get_guild_voice_regions(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_voice_regions, get_guild_webhooks(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_guild_webhooks, get_invite(code : String) get_invite, get_oauth2_application get_oauth2_application, get_pinned_messages(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_pinned_messages, get_reactions(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, message_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji : String) get_reactions, get_user(user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_user, get_user_connections get_user_connections, get_user_dms get_user_dms, get_webhook(webhook_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, token : String)
get_webhook(webhook_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) get_webhook, leave_guild(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) leave_guild, list_guild_emojis(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) list_guild_emojis, list_guild_members(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, limit : Int32 = 1000, after : UInt64 | Snowflake = 0_u64) list_guild_members, list_voice_regions list_voice_regions, modify_channel(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String | Nil = nil, position : UInt32 | Nil = nil, topic : String | Nil = nil, bitrate : UInt32 | Nil = nil, user_limit : UInt32 | Nil = nil, nsfw : Bool | Nil = nil, rate_limit_per_user : Int32 | Nil = nil) modify_channel, modify_current_user(username : String | Nil = nil, avatar : String | Nil = nil) modify_current_user, modify_current_user_nick(guild_id : UInt64, nick : String) modify_current_user_nick, modify_guild(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String | Nil = nil, region : String | Nil = nil, verification_level : UInt8 | Nil = nil, afk_channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil, afk_timeout : Int32 | Nil = nil, icon : String | Nil = nil, owner_id : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil, splash : String | Nil = nil, reason : String | Nil = nil) modify_guild, modify_guild_channel_positions(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, positions : Array(ModifyChannelPositionPayload)) modify_guild_channel_positions, modify_guild_embed(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, enabled : Bool, channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) modify_guild_embed, modify_guild_emoji(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, emoji_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String) modify_guild_emoji, modify_guild_integration(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, integration_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, expire_behaviour : UInt8, expire_grace_period : Int32, enable_emoticons : Bool) modify_guild_integration, modify_guild_member(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, nick : String | Nil = nil, roles : Array(UInt64 | Snowflake) | Nil = nil, mute : Bool | Nil = nil, deaf : Bool | Nil = nil, channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil, reason : String | Nil = nil) modify_guild_member, modify_guild_role(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, role_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String | Nil = nil, permissions : Permissions | Nil = nil, colour : UInt32 | Nil = nil, position : Int32 | Nil = nil, hoist : Bool | Nil = nil, reason : String | Nil = nil) modify_guild_role, modify_guild_role_positions(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, positions : Array(ModifyRolePositionPayload)) modify_guild_role_positions, modify_guild_vanity_url(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, code : String) modify_guild_vanity_url, modify_webhook(webhook_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, name : String | Nil = nil, avatar : String | Nil = nil, channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake | Nil = nil) modify_webhook, modify_webhook_with_token(webhook_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, token : String, name : String | Nil = nil, avatar : String | Nil = nil) modify_webhook_with_token, page_channel_messages(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, start_id : UInt64 | Snowflake = 0_u64, limit : Int32 | Nil = 100, direction : Paginator::Direction = Paginator::Direction::Down, page_size : Int32 = 100) page_channel_messages, page_current_user_guilds(start_id : UInt64 | Snowflake = 0_u64, limit : Int32 | Nil = 100, direction : Paginator::Direction = Paginator::Direction::Down, page_size : Int32 = 100) page_current_user_guilds, page_guild_members(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, start_id : UInt64 | Snowflake = 0_u64, limit : Int32 | Nil = 1000, page_size : Int32 = 1000) page_guild_members, raw_request(route_key : Symbol, major_parameter : Snowflake | UInt64 | Nil, method : String, path : String, headers : HTTP::Headers, body : String | Nil) raw_request, remove_guild_ban(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, reason : String | Nil = nil) remove_guild_ban, remove_guild_member(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, user_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, reason : String | Nil = nil) remove_guild_member, remove_guild_member_role(guild_id : UInt64, user_id : UInt64, role_id : UInt64) remove_guild_member_role, request(route_key : Symbol, major_parameter : Snowflake | UInt64 | Nil, method : String, path : String, headers : HTTP::Headers, body : String | Nil) request, sync_guild_integration(guild_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, integration_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) sync_guild_integration, trigger_typing_indicator(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake) trigger_typing_indicator, upload_file(channel_id : UInt64 | Snowflake, content : String | Nil, file : IO, filename : String | Nil = nil, spoiler : Bool = false) upload_file
Constructor Detail
Creates a new bot with the given token and optionally the client_id. Both of these things can be found on a bot's application page; the token will need to be revealed using the "click to reveal" thing on the token (not the OAuth2 secret!)
If the shard key is set, the gateway will operate in sharded mode. This means that this client's gateway connection will only receive packets from a part of the guilds the bot is connected to. See here for more information.
The large_threshold defines the minimum member count that, if a guild
has at least that many members, the client will only receive online
members in GUILD_CREATE. The default value 100 is what the Discord client
uses; the maximum value is 250. To get a list of offline members as well,
the #request_guild_members
method can be used.
can be set to any value of CompressMode
. CompressMode::Stream
is the default and will save the most bandwidth. You can optionally change
this to CompressMode::Large
to request that only large payloads be received
compressed. Compression can be disabled with CompressMode::None
, but this
is not recommended for production bots.
When using Compress::Stream
compression, the buffer size can be configured
by passing zlib_buffer_size
The properties define what values are sent to Discord as analytics properties. It's not recommended to change these from the default values, but if you desire to do so, you can.
The intents value is used to request that only specific events are sent
to this client for the current session. For details on what Intents
correspond to which gateway events, see the API docs.
Instance Method Detail
If this is set to any Cache
, the data in the cache will be updated as
the client receives the corresponding gateway dispatches.
If this is set to any Cache
, the data in the cache will be updated as
the client receives the corresponding gateway dispatches.
Returns this client's ID as provided in its associated Oauth2 application. A getter for @client_id, this will make a REST call to obtain it if it was not provided in the initializer.
Called when a channel has been created on a server the bot has access to, or when somebody has started a DM channel with the bot.
Called when a channel the bot has access to is deleted. This is not called for other users closing the DM channel with the bot, only for the bot closing the DM channel with a user.
Called when a channel's pinned messages are updated, where a pin was either added or removed.
Called when a channel's properties are updated, like the name or permission overwrites.
Called when the bot receives any kind of dispatch at all, even one that is otherwise unsupported. This can be useful for statistics, e. g. how many gateway events are received per second. It can also be useful to handle new API changes not yet supported by the lib.
The parameter passed to the event will be a tuple of {type, data}
, where
is the event type (e.g. "MESSAGE_CREATE") and data
is the
unprocessed JSON event data.
Called when somebody is banned from a guild. A #on_guild_member_remove
event is also called.
Called when somebody is unbanned from a guild.
Called when the bot is added to a guild, a guild unavailable due to an
outage becomes available again, or the guild is streamed after READY.
To verify that it is the first case, you can check the unavailable
property in Gateway::GuildCreatePayload
Called when the bot leaves a guild or a guild becomes unavailable due to
an outage. To verify that it is the former case, you can check the
Called when a guild's emoji are updated.
Called when a guild's integrations (Twitch, YouTube) are updated.
Called when somebody other than the bot joins a guild.
Called when somebody other than the bot leaves a guild.
Called when a member object is updated. This happens when somebody changes their nickname or has their roles changed.
Called when Discord sends a chunk of member objects after a
call. If a Cache
is set up, this is handled
Called when a role is created on a guild.
Called when a role is deleted.
Called when a role's properties are updated, for example name or colour.
Called when a guild's properties, like name or verification level, are updated.
Called when an invite is created on a guild.
Called when an invite is deleted.
Called when a message is sent to a channel the bot has access to. This may be any sort of text channel, no matter private or guild.
Called when a single message is deleted.
Called when multiple messages are deleted at once, due to a bot using the bulk-delete endpoint, or other actions.
Called when a reaction is added to a message.
Called when a reaction is removed from a message.
Called when all reactions are removed at once from a message.
Called when all reactions of a single emoji are removed at once from a message.
Called when a message is updated. Most commonly this is done for edited messages, but the event is also sent when embed information for an existing message is updated.
Called when a user updates their status (online/idle/offline), the game they are playing, or their streaming status. Also called when a user's properties (user/avatar/discriminator) are changed.
Called when the bot has successfully initiated a session with Discord. It
marks the point when gateway packets can be set (e. g. #status_update
Note that this event may be called multiple times over the course of a bot lifetime, as it is also called when the client reconnects with a new session.
Called when the client has successfully resumed an existing connection after reconnecting.
Called when somebody starts typing in a channel the bot has access to.
Called when the user properties of the bot itself are changed.
Called when a guild's voice server changes. This event is called with the current voice server when initially connecting to voice, and it is called again with the new voice server when the current server fails over to a new one, or when the guild's voice region changes.
Called when somebody joins or leaves a voice channel, moves to a different one, or is muted/unmuted/deafened/undeafened.
Sent when a guild channel's webhook is created, updated, or deleted.
Reconnects the websocket connection entirely. If should_resume is set,
the session will be suspended, which means (unless other factors prevent
this) that the session will be resumed after reconnection. If
backoff_override is set to anything other than nil
, the reconnection
backoff will not use the standard formula and instead wait the value
provided; use 0.0
to skip waiting entirely.
Requests a full list of members to be sent for a specific guild. This is
necessary to get the entire members list for guilds considered large (what
is considered large can be changed using the large_threshold parameter
in #initialize
The list will arrive in the form of GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK dispatch events,
which can be listened to using #on_guild_members_chunk
. If a cache
is set up, arriving members will be cached automatically.
Sends a resume packet from the given sequence number, or alternatively the current session's last received sequence if none is given. This will make Discord replay all events since that sequence.
Connects this client to the gateway. This is required if the bot needs to do anything beyond making REST API calls. Calling this method will block execution until the bot is forcibly stopped.
The internal session the client is currently using, necessary to create a voice client, for example
Sends a status update to Discord. The status can be "online"
, "dnd"
, or "invisible"
. Setting the game to a GamePlaying
object makes the bot appear as playing some game on Discord. since and
afk can be used in conjunction to signify to Discord that the status
change is due to inactivity on the bot's part – this fulfills no cosmetic
Closes the gateway connection permanently
Sends a voice state update to Discord. This will create a new voice
connection on the given guild_id and channel_id, update an existing
one with new self_mute and self_deaf status, or disconnect from voice
if the channel_id is nil
discordcr doesn't support sending or receiving any data from voice connections yet - this will have to be done externally until that happens.
Separate method to wait an ever-increasing amount of time before reconnecting after being disconnected in an unexpected way