
Lambda makes your Crystal functions [uniformed]1.

⚠️ It's an experiment and we do not recommend using it. It monkey patches Object so may cause problems using it. But it's a good example what you can do with macros. ⚠️

# Lambda your expression.
λ def add(x, y)
  x + y

# Use it like a method or a function
puts 2.add 3
puts add 2, 3

Or more expressive example:

# just define a lambda
lambda def not(x) !x end

# ... and use as you wish
true.not #=> false
true.not.not #=> true
false.not #=> true

not false #=> true
not not true #=> true
not true #=> false


Add this to your application's shard.yml:

    github: f/lambda.cr


A free function can be called with a syntax that looks as if the function were a member function of its first parameter type.

Idea is simple, result is awesome.

# With lambda, you can call this function ...
my_function first_param, second_param, other_param

# ... like this.
first_param.my_function x, y, z


require "lambda"

Just use λ to make the function uniform.

λ def add(x, y)
  x + y

result = add(2, 3) #=> 5
result = 2.add(3) #=> 5


Since you patch the struct or class you can chain easily.

result = add(2, 3).add(4).add(5) #=> 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14

Types and Lambda Overloading

You can define type restrictions using the usual syntax.

λ def plus(x : Int32, y : Int32)
  x + y

λ def plus(first : String, second : String)
  first + " and " + second

2.plus 2 #=> 4
"fatih".plus "akin" #=> "fatih and akin"

plus 2, 2 #=> 4
plus "fatih", "akin" #=> "fatih and akin"

Block syntax

You can also define lambdas using blocks.

λ add do |x, y|
  x + y
puts 2.add 3 #=> 5
puts add 2, 3 #=> 5

You can define types in parameters using param_as_Type pattern.

λ plus do |x_as_Int32, y_as_Int32|
  x + y

λ plus do |first_as_String, second_as_String|
  first + " and " + second

2.plus 2 #=> 4
"fatih".plus "akin" #=> "fatih and akin"

plus 2, 2 #=> 4
plus "fatih", "akin" #=> "fatih and akin"


λ add {|x, y| x + y}
λ remove {|x| x - y}
λ multiply {|x, y| x * y}
λ divide {|x| x / y}

2.add(3).multiply(6).divide(2).remove(3).add(5).divide(5) #=> 3,  It's ((((2 + 3) * 6) / 2) - 3 + 5) / 5

WTF is λ?!

It's the lambda character. If you don't want to use it, you can simply use lambda alias.

lambda add do |x, y|
  x + y

result = add(2, 3) #=> 5
result = 2.add(3) #=> 5


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
