Top Level Namespace

Defined in:

Constant Summary

NPATTERNS = 2 ** 10
STRLEN = 2 ** 10

Method Summary

Method Detail

def board_string(queens) #

Generates a visual representation of a chessboard using unicode symbols.

NOTE The type of queens is implicitly assumed, as is the return type (contrast with #check). Both ways are acceptable, but this reduces clarity.

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def check(queens : Array(Int32)) : Bool #

If queens represents a valid solution to the n-queens problem, returns true. queens should be an array of n integers representing a board state.

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def find_solutions(n_queens : Int) : Array(Array(Int32)) #

Identifies all solutions of an n-queens problem given n.

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def foo(arr) #

Print out all indices and elements of arr, return size of arr.

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def foo : Tuple(Int32, Int32) #

Overload foo with zero arguments; returns a tuple of Int32s.

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def generate_patterns(n_patterns, strlen, doc : String) : Array(String) #

Returns an Array with n_patterns strlen-character Strings, of which one is a substring of doc and the rest are random.

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def hash_search(doc : String, patterns : Array(String)) #

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def print_all(solutions : Array(Array(Int32))) : Nil #

Prints all solutions to a given n-queens problem.

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def search_brute_force(doc : String, patterns : Array(String)) #

For each pattern String in patterns, iterate over doc until the first is found. All strings in patterns should be the same length. Returns the index and matched pattern if found, else nil.

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def search_rabin_karp(doc : String, patterns : Array(String)) : Tuple(Int32 | Nil, String) #

Uses the Rabin-Karp algorithm to search doc for any pattern in patterns. All strings in patterns should be the same length. Much more time-efficient than #search_brute_force for large numbers of patterns. Returns the index and matched pattern if found, else nil.

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