class Phoenix::Channel
- Phoenix::Channel
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
phoenix/channel.crConstant Summary
{close: "phx_close", error: "phx_error", join: "phx_join", reply: "phx_reply", leave: "phx_leave"}
[EVENTS[:close], EVENTS[:error], EVENTS[:join], EVENTS[:reply], EVENTS[:leave]]
Instance Method Summary
#join(timeout : UInt32 = @timeout) : Push
Join the channel
#leave(timeout = @timeout) : Push
Leaves the channel
#off(event : String, ref : UInt32 | Nil = nil)
Unsubscibes to channel events
#on(event : String, &block : JSON::Any, String | Nil, String | Nil -> ) : UInt32
Subscribes to channel events
#on_close(&block : -> ) : UInt32
Hook into channel close
#on_error(&block : JSON::Any, String | Nil, String | Nil -> ) : UInt32
Hook into channel errors
#on_message(&on_message : String | Nil, JSON::Any, String | Nil -> JSON::Any)
Overridable message hook
#push(event : String, payload : JSON::Any = {} of String => JSON::Any, timeout : UInt32 = @timeout) : Push
Send a message down the channel
Instance Method Detail
Join the channel
Returns a Push
instance for binding to reply events with Push#receive
.receive "ok" do |response|
puts "Joined successfully: #{response}"
.receive "error" do |response|
puts "Unable to join: #{response}"
Leaves the channel
Unsubscribes from server events, and instructs channel to terminate on server.
channel.leave.receive "ok" do
puts "Left successfully"
Subscribes to channel events
Subscription returns a ref counter, which can be used later to unsubscribe the exact event listener.
ref_1 = channel.on "event" do
# do stuff
ref_2 = channel.on "event" do
# do other stuff
end"event", ref_1)
Due to unsubscription, "do stuff" won't run, while "do other stuff" will still run on the "event".
Hook into channel errors
Overridable message hook
Receives all events for specialized message handling before dispatching to the channel callbacks. Must return the payload, modified or unmodified.
channel.on_message do |event, payload, ref|
# handle payload here