struct Gmaps::Route
- Gmaps::Route
- Struct
- Value
- Object
Included Modules
- JSON::Serializable
Defined in:
- .new(bounds : Gmaps::GeoBounds, legs : Array(Gmaps::Leg), overview_polyline : Gmaps::Polyline)
- .new(pull : JSON::PullParser)
Instance Method Summary
- #bounds : GeoBounds
- #distance
- #duration
- #legs : Array(Leg)
- #overview_polyline : Polyline
#path_string(weight : Int32 = 5, color : String = "blue")
output a path string for the route to use in google static map api
- #print_route(io : IO | String)
Constructor Detail
def : Gmaps::GeoBounds, legs : Array(Gmaps::Leg), overview_polyline : Gmaps::Polyline)
Instance Method Detail
output a path string for the route to use in google static map api