
This repository contains the solutions of Advent Of Code 2021 written in crystal programming language.

Installation and running

You can build and run this project if you have installed crystal

git clone
cd advent_of_code_2021
shards install
shards build --release

If you have docker, you could test it:

git clone
cd advent_of_code_2021
docker pull crystallang/crystal:1.5
docker run --rm -ti -v$PWD:/usr/src crystallang/crystal:1.5
cd /usr/src
shards install
shards build --release

You can run unit tests with

crystal spec

My opinions

The subject Advent of code in the year of 2021 was finding a sleigh key for santa in the deep ocean.

The puzzles become harder and harder from each day, but there were two which I felt really hard. First one was 'Day 19: Beacon Scanner' and the other is...

...big drumbeat... tadam...

'Day 23: Amphipod'. (Is someone surprised? :D )

Exactly I hated this 23rd puzzle. On 23rd December I have to delay solving puzzle because I could not prepare Christmas, and I finished this half year later.

I think choosing crystal was a good decision. With crystal I could write elegant and compact codes. Programming with crystal was so funny, parsing the input strings was really easy and during solving puzzles I didn't make so much mistakes. (Except Day23.) Tooling is quite enough, it supports unit tests, packaging etc...

I am very happy about I have learnt this fantastic language.