class Spectator::Formatting::DotsFormatter


Produces a single character for each example. A dot is output for each successful example (hence the name). Other characters are output for non-successful results. At the end of the test suite, a summary of failures and results is displayed.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Spectator::Formatting::SuiteSummary

end_suite(report, profile : Profile | Nil) end_suite, start_suite(suite) start_suite

Instance methods inherited from class Spectator::Formatting::Formatter

end_example(result : Result) end_example, end_suite(report : Report, profile : Profile | Nil) end_suite, start_example(example : Example) start_example, start_suite(suite : TestSuite) start_suite

Instance methods inherited from class Object

should(matcher) should, should_eventually(matcher) should_eventually, should_never(matcher) should_never, should_not(matcher) should_not

Constructor Detail

def : IO = STDOUT) #

Creates the formatter. By default, output is sent to STDOUT.

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Instance Method Detail

def end_example(result) #

Produces a single character output based on a result.

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def start_example(example) #

Does nothing when an example is started.

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