module Ai4cr::NeuralNetwork::Rnn::RnnSimpleConcerns::CalcGuess

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def bias_default : Float64 #

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def bias_default=(bias_default : Float64) #

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def bias_disabled #

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def bias_disabled=(bias_disabled) #

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def deriv_scale : Float64 #

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def deriv_scale=(deriv_scale : Float64) #

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def errors #

TODO For 'errors', research using a key of an Enum instead of String. (Using Symbol's seems incompatible with 'from_json'.)

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def eval(input_set_given) #

steps for 'eval' aka 'guess':

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def guesses_ceiled #

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def guesses_sorted #


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def guesses_top_n(n) #

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def hidden_layer_qty #

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def hidden_size #

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def hidden_size_given #

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def input_set_given #

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def input_size #

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def inputs_for(li, ti) #

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def io_offset #

The 'io_offset' param is for setting, for a given time column, how much the inputs and outputs should be offset. For example, let's say the inputs and outputs are weather data and you want to guess tomorrow's weather based on today's and the past weather. * Setting 'io_offset' value to '-1' would mean that (we're just init'ing it or...) the outputs in tc number 0 would also represent weather data for day number -1 (which would be guessing yesterday's weather, which would overlap with the input data and probably not be of much help) * Setting 'io_offset' value to '0' would mean that the outputs in tc # 0 would also represent weather data for day # 0 (straight pass-thru; not good for guessing the future, but good for translating one set of data to another, like English to Spanish or speech to text) * Setting 'io_offset' value to '1' would mean that the outputs in tc # 0 would also represent weather data for day # 1 (and would let you guess tomorrow's weather based on today's and the past weather)

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def learning_rate : Float64 #

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def learning_rate=(learning_rate : Float64) #

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def learning_styles #

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def learning_styles=(learning_styles) #

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def mini_net_set #

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def mini_net_set=(mini_net_set) #

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def momentum : Float64 #

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def momentum=(momentum : Float64) #

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def node_input_sizes #

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def node_input_sizes=(node_input_sizes) #

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def node_output_sizes #

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def node_output_sizes=(node_output_sizes) #

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def output_size #

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def outputs_guessed #

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def synaptic_layer_index_last #

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def synaptic_layer_indexes #

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def synaptic_layer_indexes_reversed #

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def synaptic_layer_qty #

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def time_col_index_last #

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def time_col_indexes #

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def time_col_indexes_reversed #

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def time_col_qty #

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def valid #

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def weight_init_scale : Float64 #

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def weight_init_scale=(weight_init_scale : Float64) #

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