abstract class Concurrent::Stream::Destination(E)


Terminates the stream Always call #wait or #detach on this object. Not calling #wait or #detach is undefined.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Concurrent::Stream::Base

close : Nil close

Constructor methods inherited from class Concurrent::Stream::Base

new(*, fibers : Int32, parent : Concurrent::Stream::Base | Nil) new

Constructor Detail

def self.new(fibers, parent) #

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Instance Method Detail

def close : Nil #

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def detach(&block) #

Likely to be replaced with a Future or async shard later


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def detach #

Likely to be replaced with a Future or async shard later


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def wait(*args, **options) #

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def wait(*args, **options, &) #

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