class ULID::Factory

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Random = #

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Instance Method Detail

def gen_rand(seed_time : Time) : UInt128 #

returns a random UInt128 with the high-order 48 bits zeroed out

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def gen_time(time : Time) : UInt64 #

returns a UInt64 with the high-order 16 bits zeroed out and the low-order 48 bits representing the number of milliseconds since Unix epoch

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def rand128 : UInt128 #

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def random : Random #

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def random=(random : Random) #

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def string(seed_time : Time = Time.utc) : String #

Generate a ULID

# => "01B3EAF48P97R8MP9WS6MHDTZ3"

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def uint(seed_time : Time = Time.utc) : UInt128 #

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def ulid(seed_time : Time = Time.utc) : ULID #

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def uuid(seed_time : Time = Time.utc) : UUID #

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