class Kleene::MultiMatchDFA

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Kleene::DSL

any(token_collection, alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET) any, append(a, b) append, append!(a, b) append!, dot(alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET) dot, kleene(machine) kleene, literal(token_stream : String, alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET) literal, optional(machine) optional, plus(machine) plus, range(c_begin : Char, c_end : Char, alphabet = DEFAULT_ALPHABET) range, seq(a : NFA, b : NFA)
seq(nfas : Array(NFA))
, union(nfas : Array(NFA))
, union!(nfas : Array(NFA)) union!, with_err(nfa, alphabet = nfa.alphabet) with_err, with_err!(nfa, alphabet = nfa.alphabet) with_err!, with_err_dead_end(nfa, alphabet = nfa.alphabet) with_err_dead_end, with_err_dead_end!(nfa, alphabet = nfa.alphabet) with_err_dead_end!

Constructor Detail

def : Array(NFA)) #

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Instance Method Detail

def composite_dfa : DFA #

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def composite_dfa=(composite_dfa : DFA) #

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def composite_nfa : NFA #

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def composite_nfa=(composite_nfa : NFA) #

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def create_composite_nfa(nfas) #

create a composite NFA as the union of all the NFAs with epsilon transitions from every NFA state back to the union NFA's start state

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def dead_end_nfa_state_to_dead_end_nfa : Hash(State, NFA) #

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def dead_end_nfa_state_to_dead_end_nfa=(dead_end_nfa_state_to_dead_end_nfa : Hash(State, NFA)) #

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def dfa_to_index : Hash(DFA, Int32) #

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def dfa_to_index=(dfa_to_index : Hash(DFA, Int32)) #

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def machines_by_index : Hash(Int32, MachineTuple) #

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def machines_by_index=(machines_by_index : Hash(Int32, MachineTuple)) #

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def machines_from_dfa(dfa) : MachineTuple #

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def machines_from_nfa(nfa) : MachineTuple #

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def machines_from_nfa_with_dead_err(nfa_with_dead_err) : MachineTuple #

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def match_tracker(input : String) : MatchTracker #

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def matches(input : String) : Hash(NFA, Array(MatchRef)) #

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def nfa_to_index : Hash(NFA, Int32) #

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def nfa_to_index=(nfa_to_index : Hash(NFA, Int32)) #

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def nfa_with_dead_err_to_index : Hash(NFA, Int32) #

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def nfa_with_dead_err_to_index=(nfa_with_dead_err_to_index : Hash(NFA, Int32)) #

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def nfas_with_err_state : Array(NFA) #

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def setup_callbacks(dfa) #

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