class Stripe::AccountSessionsApi

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Stripe::ApiClient = ApiClient.default) #

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Instance Method Detail

def api_client : ApiClient #

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def api_client=(api_client : ApiClient) #

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def build_api_request_for_post_account_sessions(*, account : String | Nil = nil, components : Stripe::AccountSessionCreateComponentsParam | Nil = nil, expand : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Crest::Request #

@return Crest::Request

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def client_side_validation?(*args, **options) #

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def client_side_validation?(*args, **options, &) #

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def debugging?(*args, **options) #

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def debugging?(*args, **options, &) #

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def post_account_sessions(*, account : String | Nil = nil, components : Stripe::AccountSessionCreateComponentsParam | Nil = nil, expand : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Stripe::AccountSession #

Creates a AccountSession object that includes a single-use token that the platform can use on their front-end to grant client-side API access.

@required @param account [String?] The identifier of the account to create an Account Session for. @required @param components [Stripe::AccountSessionCreateComponentsParam?] @optional @param expand [Array(String)?] Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded. @return [Stripe::AccountSession]

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def post_account_sessions(*, account : String | Nil = nil, components : Stripe::AccountSessionCreateComponentsParam | Nil = nil, expand : Array(String) | Nil = nil, &block : Crest::Response -> ) : Nil #

<p>Creates a AccountSession object that includes a single-use token that the platform can use on their front-end to grant client-side API access.</p> @required @param account [String?] The identifier of the account to create an Account Session for. @required @param components [Stripe::AccountSessionCreateComponentsParam?] @optional @param expand [Array(String)?] Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded. @return nil

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def post_account_sessions_with_http_info(*, account : String | Nil = nil, components : Stripe::AccountSessionCreateComponentsParam | Nil = nil, expand : Array(String) | Nil = nil) : Tuple(Stripe::AccountSession, Int32, Hash(String, Array(String) | String)) #

<p>Creates a AccountSession object that includes a single-use token that the platform can use on their front-end to grant client-side API access.</p> @required @param account [String?] The identifier of the account to create an Account Session for. @required @param components [Stripe::AccountSessionCreateComponentsParam?] @optional @param expand [Array(String)?] Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded. @return [Tuple(Stripe::AccountSession, Integer, Hash)] Stripe::AccountSession, response status code and response headers

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