class Unibilium::Terminfo


TODO doc

Defined in:

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.dummy #

Constructs a dummy terminfo database.

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def self.from_bytes(bytes : Bytes) #

Creates a terminfo database from the given bytes.

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def self.from_env #

Creates a terminfo database for the terminal name found in the environment.

Similar to Unibilium::Terminfo.from_terminal(ENV["TERM"]).

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def self.from_file(path) #

Creates a terminfo database from the given file path.

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def self.from_io(io) #

Creates a terminfo database from the given io.

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def self.from_terminal(name) #

Creates a terminfo database for the given terminal name.

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def self.with_dummy(&) #

Constructs a dummy terminfo database and yield it to the block. It ensures that the database is destroyed after the block.

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Instance Method Detail

def aliases #

Gets the aliases.

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def aliases=(aliases : Array(String)) #

Sets the aliases.

TODO example

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def destroy #

Destroys the terminfo database.

Subsequent calls to methods will segfault. You can check if it has been destroyed with #destroyed?.

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def destroyed? #

Returns true if the terminfo database has been destroyed.

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def dump #

Returns the database as a compiled terminfo entry.

It can be directly written to a file for later use.

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def extensions : Unibilium::Extensions #

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def format(io : IO, fmt : Pointer(LibC::Char), *args) #

Formats string and writes directly to IO

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def get(id : Entry::Boolean) #

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def get(id : Entry::Numeric) #

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def get(id : Entry::String) #

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def get?(id : Entry::Boolean) #

Gets the value of Boolean option id.

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def get?(id : Entry::Numeric) #

Gets the value of Numeric option id.

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def get?(id : Entry::String) #

Gets the value of String option id.

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def get?(name : String) #

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def name #

Gets the terminal name.

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def name=(name) #

Sets the terminal name.

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def name_for(id : Entry::Boolean) #

Gets the full name for the Boolean option id.

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def name_for(id : Entry::Numeric) #

Gets the full name for the Numeric option id.

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def name_for(id : Entry::String) #

Gets the full name for the String option id.

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def run(format, *args) #

Formats string into Bytes and returns it

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def set(id, value) #

Sets an option (Boolean, Numeric or String) identified by id to value.

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def short_name_for(id : Entry::Boolean) #

Gets the short name for the Boolean option id.

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def short_name_for(id : Entry::Numeric) #

Gets the short name for the Numeric option id.

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def short_name_for(id : Entry::String) #

Gets the short name for the String option id.

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def to_unsafe : Pointer(Void) #

Returns the underlying Unibilium database pointer.

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