class Unibilium::Extensions

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : LibUnibilium::Terminfo) #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](arg) #

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def []?(arg) #

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def add(name, value : ValidType) #

Adds the capability extension named name, and set it to value. The type of the capability is given by the type of value (either Bool, Int32 or String)

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def count_bool #

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def count_num #

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def count_str #

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def delete(name) #

Deletes the capability name.

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def destroy #

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def get_bool(name) #

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def get_bool?(name) #

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def get_bool_name(i) #

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def get_num(name) #

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def get_num?(name) #

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def get_num_name(i) #

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def get_str(name) #

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def get_str?(name) #

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def get_str_name(i) #

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def has?(name) #

Returns true if the extension named name exists.

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def rename(old old_name, new new_name) #

Gives a new name to the capability old_name.

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def saved_cap_extensions : Unibilium::Extensions::UniqueHash #

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def set(name, value) #

Sets the value of capability name to value.

It adds the capability first if it doesn't exist.

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def to_unsafe : Pointer(Void) #

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