class Crysterm::LPos


Helper class implementing only minimal position-related interface. Used for holding widget's last rendered position. XXX Could be renamed to LastRenderedPos[ition] for clarity.

Defined in:

Constant Summary

None = new


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Int32 = @xi, xl : Int32 = @xl, yi : Int32 = @yi, yl : Int32 = @yl, base : Int32 = @base, no_left : Bool = @no_left, no_right : Bool = @no_right, no_top : Bool = @no_top, no_bottom : Bool = @no_bottom, renders : Int32 = @renders, aleft : Int32 | Nil = @aleft, atop : Int32 | Nil = @atop, aright : Int32 | Nil = @aright, abottom : Int32 | Nil = @abottom, awidth : Int32 | Nil = @awidth, aheight : Int32 | Nil = @aheight, ileft : Int32 = @ileft, itop : Int32 = @itop, iright : Int32 = @iright, ibottom : Int32 = @ibottom, iwidth : Int32 = @iwidth, iheight : Int32 = @iheight) #

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Instance Method Detail

def _clean_sides : Bool #

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def _clean_sides=(_clean_sides : Bool) #

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def _scroll_bottom : Int32 #

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def _scroll_bottom=(_scroll_bottom : Int32) #

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def abottom : Int32 | Nil #

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def abottom=(abottom : Int32 | Nil) #

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def aheight : Int32 | Nil #

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def aheight=(aheight : Int32 | Nil) #

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def aleft : Int32 | Nil #

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def aleft=(aleft : Int32 | Nil) #

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def aright : Int32 | Nil #

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def aright=(aright : Int32 | Nil) #

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def atop : Int32 | Nil #

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def atop=(atop : Int32 | Nil) #

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def awidth : Int32 | Nil #

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def awidth=(awidth : Int32 | Nil) #

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def base : Int32 #

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def base=(base : Int32) #

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def ibottom : Int32 #

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def ibottom=(ibottom : Int32) #

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def iheight : Int32 #

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def iheight=(iheight : Int32) #

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def ileft : Int32 #

These should be allowed to be just 0 because I'd think their offsets are already included in a* properties. (XXX Verify that and fix; seems like an inconsistency in logic if that sentence/description is true.

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def ileft=(ileft : Int32) #

These should be allowed to be just 0 because I'd think their offsets are already included in a* properties. (XXX Verify that and fix; seems like an inconsistency in logic if that sentence/description is true.

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def iright : Int32 #

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def iright=(iright : Int32) #

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def itop : Int32 #

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def itop=(itop : Int32) #

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def iwidth : Int32 #

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def iwidth=(iwidth : Int32) #

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def no_bottom=(no_bottom : Bool) #

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def no_bottom? : Bool #

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def no_left=(no_left : Bool) #

Informs us which side is partly hidden due to being enclosed in a parent (and potentially scrollable) element.

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def no_left? : Bool #

Informs us which side is partly hidden due to being enclosed in a parent (and potentially scrollable) element.

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def no_right=(no_right : Bool) #

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def no_right? : Bool #

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def no_top=(no_top : Bool) #

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def no_top? : Bool #

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def renders : Int32 #

Number of times object was rendered

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def renders=(renders : Int32) #

Number of times object was rendered

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def xi : Int32 #

Starting cell on X axis

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def xi=(xi : Int32) #

Starting cell on X axis

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def xl : Int32 #

Ending cell on X axis

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def xl=(xl : Int32) #

Ending cell on X axis

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def yi : Int32 #

Starting cell on Y axis

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def yi=(yi : Int32) #

Starting cell on Y axis

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def yl : Int32 #

Endint cell on Y axis

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def yl=(yl : Int32) #

Endint cell on Y axis

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